Jezebel Spirit Books For Training As I was being trained years ago in intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare, I came across the Jezebel Spirit on many occasions. I found it …

Her mouth speaks wisdom and loving instruction is on her tongue
Deliverance Is For You
There are both believers and non-believers who are bound by the enemy in different areas of their lives. When a person accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they must also go through the process of deliverance.
Even though you have received Christ as Lord and Savior, you are sill working out your souls salvation. There are areas of your soul that we still need to be delivered in. It could be in our love walk, our mercy towards others, secret sins or whatever does not mirror the image of Christ.
Deliverance is connected with God’s favor and His mercy upon our lives.
Jezebel Spirit Books For Training As I was being trained years ago in intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare, I came across the Jezebel Spirit on many occasions. I found it …
Greetings to all our Royal Girlz Ministry Family. We will be starting our second group for M.O.M. United In Prayer For Autism Prayer Group in the month of October. Our …
Royal Girlz Ministry would like to extend a blessed and Happy Purim to our friends and family. Today is a day to reflect and celebrate our God and He delivered …
Today on Royal Girlz Ministry I want to deal with the topic of evilness and afterwards share some scripture based prayers for deliverance from evil. Let’s first start off by …
Today we are going to discuss how the blockade spirit hinders our prayers. The blockade spirit is sent from the enemy to hinder our prayers by blocking our deliverance and …
What Is Deliverance Today I want to talk about a topic that is asked frequently from those seeking spiritual freedom. What Is deliverance and how do you maintain it. Deliverance …
When we speak of receiving deliverance for ourselves and others as well, we must understand that it is going to require some spiritual warfare. Deliverance through spiritual warfare will loose …
Deliverance is necessary in the lives of every believer. It’s not just for new converts, but for those who have been in the body of Christ for years. After we …
One of the areas of ministry that the Lord has called me to is deliverance. I have a passion to see people not only receive the salvation of Jesus Christ …
Today as we celebrate Purim 2022 I wanted to share this excerpt from the Book of Esther with you. In these passages we read about how our God brought forth …
This evening I wanted to share my heart with you. The Lord has given me an assignment and mission for Royal Girlz Ministry to prophesy to those who sit in …
What Is fasting? When we speak of fasting, we are speaking of abstaining from food or any other fleshly activities for a spiritual discipline. Fasting is a discipline that draws …
What is gambling? According to Webster’s dictionary, gambling is the practice or activity of betting. It’s the practice of risking money or other stakes in a game or bet with …
What is the occult? The Occult is the quest or the claim to have hidden knowledge and power. It is a practice or means of gaining illegal access to the …
What Is the occult? The occult is defined as having perception beyond the range of what is normal. It is the quest or the claim to have hidden knowledge and power. The world’s …
The Gates of Autism Autos Self In part 4 The Gates of Autism Autos Self, we enter through the third and final gate to autism. In part 3 The Gates …
In part 3 The Gates of Autism Passing Through The Fire, we enter the second gate to autism. In part 2 The Gates of Autism Sins of The Forefather we …
In part 2 The Gates of Autism Sins of The Forefather, we enter the first gate to autism. In part 1 The Gates of Autism, I share my personal testimony …
The gates of autism was originally published in 2017. The Lord impressed upon my heart to republish it for our Royal Girlz Ministry readers. This is a 4 part series …
Now more than ever, we need the Lord to breath on us His breathe of life. Everyday pray Psalms 91 against deadly diseases over your lives as well as …
Breaking Ungodly Sexual Soul Ties Breaking ungodly sexual soul ties is imperative for us to live an abundant and victorious life in Christ. A soul tie is when two souls …
This magnificent Sterling Silver Plated Shofar ram’s horn carries its message in large letters tinted with gold words
Dr. Matthew Stevenson 40 Signs Of Witchcraft, Controlling Leaders And Occult Denominations Every Sunday morning, there are many of God’s people sitting in churches under the leadership of controlling …
The Captives Are Set Free At Midnight In the name of Jesus, we have the authority to declare that the captives are set free at midnight! I hear the Spirit …
He Came To Set The Captives Free Book This is my Royal Girlz Book of The Month pick. I read He Came To Set The Captives Free many years ago …