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Last Updated on July 7, 2021 by Editor
Seeing Me In My True Mirror is a spiritual poem written by Angela Pewett founder of Authentic Changes. See yourself how God see you.
Seeing Me In My True Mirror
As I think about a childhood story
That I never really saw the meaning of
Until now is Snow White
She would get up each morning and say
Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Who’s the fairest of them all?
Then she would wait
For the mirror to respond
Well that’s what we still do sometimes
We wake up each day
And wait for someone else
To tell us who we are
Well I am asking every woman
Who takes the time to read this
To do me a favor
The next time you get in front of the mirror
You tell the mirror who you see by saying
Good morning world
You are looking at
God’s favorite girl
From the time
He laid me down last night
He kept my heart and mind right
So now as I face a new day
I speak to myself and say
I am the head and not the tail
And I am above and not beneath
I am the lender
And not the borrower
I am more than a conqueror
God Told Me
I am fearfully and wonderfully made
No matter what the scale say I weighed
I know my value and I believe in my worth
God approved me (Insert Your Name) before my birth
Everything I’ll ever need
Is right inside of me
So watch me change the world
Before your very eyes
It doesn’t matter world
Or mirror what you think
God gave all the power for my life
To me the day I became redeemed
It’s in my mind
To come out of my mouth
So I speak all these things
By faith without a bit of doubt
So keep your eyes on me
As God’s word I continue to speak
And from this day forward
Walk in my destiny
Mirror, Mirror you will now wait
For me to tell you who I see
I see a powerful woman of God
Walking in her victory!!!
1 Corinthians 13:12
Now that which we see is as if we were looking in a broken mirror. But then we will see everything. Now I know only a part. But then I will know everything in a perfect way. That is how God knows me right now.
~Take Heed~
Written By: Angela Pewett
About The Author:
HEED Ministry ~ Healing, Encouraging, Exalting and Delivering Women
Angela Pewett is an Evangelist, Teacher and Certified Transformational Life Coach with a private and public practice helping transform lives from the inside out. Evangie, in which she is affectionately known as, has over 20 yrs. of experience in Church Leadership and brings a wealth of wisdom to help equip and mature the believer in the body of Christ.
She has served as the Director of Christian Education, Sunday School Superintendent, Small Group leader, and Adult Bible Study teacher and is currently an Associate Minister at Logan Street Baptist Church. Her leadership skills also enabled her to succeed in the secular world as well. She has been an entrepreneur for over 20 years. Angela has trained and managed in one of the largest companies in the beauty industry today.
Soul Surgery Is Self Surgery
Evangie, has coached both inside and outside of the body of Christ, always reminding people that “Soul Surgery” is “Self Surgery”. Evangie is the Founder and CEO of Authentic Changes where she provides bi-weekly Enrichment Sessions with the Bible as the moral compass.
With her “matter of fact” style and her gift to break information down to its simplest form, it is no wonder she has become one of the most sought after Life Coaches today, but her greatest joy and #1 priority is being a wife to her “tailor made” husband of over 25 yrs. Mervyn Pewett and a devoted mom to their only child and prince of her city Cameron Myles.
Her motto for life will remain: Never pick someone up if you can’t carry them all the way through.
Continue to share the knowledge that God has revealed to you. Continue to inspire woman in need of God's love. Continue to enlighten us on new ways to honor God and to see what he has in store for us. This message has been an eye opener to me and I am sure it will help many other women too. Keep walking in light and love and allow him to continue to lead you in the direction in which you are most needed. Love ya.
These are things I say alot, thanks for the confirmation. This is my favorite so far. Keep on exalting daughter of Zion!
Once again Ann you have out done yourself. You are wise beyond your years and this is an excellent way to build self image. If we women can make a conscious consistent effort to look in the mirror and speak into the atmosphere and claim what's rightfully ours, we can become leaders and not followers. And as such, we can confidently witness to others and bring our sisters into the light.
Love it. Keep them coming!!!!