The Way Of An Eagle

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The Way Of An Eagle

 ~ HEED ~
The Way Of An Eagle

The Lord likens us to eagles
And there’s no need to guess why
He is bold, He is strong and incredibly swift
Not to mention how high he can fly
I’m told without a doubt
At least up to 10,000 feet in the skyHe is absolutely fearless
No matter the size of his prey
We should be like this toward our enemies
With a attitude of come what mayEagles have intensely sharp eyes
And can see from miles away
Be it friend or foe on land or in air
Even through a weather storm, I can say

They are also designed
To be able to look directly at the sun
Without any eye damage being done

Eagles Are Tenacious
They look for and fly into a storm
And at the same time
Spreading their wings
Knowing in these powerful winds
They are able to soarThe eagle is known for its ferociousness
Yet no bird is more gentle or attentive to its young
But at a certain age, she drops her eaglet from the nest
Teaching independence, whether a daughter or a sonSo, don’t think it’s strange or
There is something wrong
During those times
You look around and everyone’s gone
Because just like the eagle
Sometimes we must fly alone

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You will never see an eagle
Eating meat he did not kill
He never eats dead meat
Very picky about his meals

An Eagle Is Full Of Life
And have the power to endure
But around 30 years of age
Life gets hard for him for sureHis physical condition is deteriorating
To the point it is difficult to survive
His talons lose flexibility
Making it hard for him to hold his prey insideHis wing feathers get heavy and dull
And his beak is dull and bent
All the things he used to fly
Are now older and may be
The things that now prevent

You would think going through all of this
The eagle would stop or at least think twice
Well, not the bird we are compared to
By our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

At this time in the eagles life
He goes and retreats to a mountaintop
He goes through a transformation
Eating away at himself
From the bottom to the top

Alone on the mountain
He knocks off its own beak
By banging it against a rock

He doesn’t stop there
He pulls his feathers
Out one by one
And his claws right off

Everything that was old
He destroys to start anew
By doing this he has added
At least 30 more years to his life
Believe me all of this is true
What have I learned?

So when life blows hard
You fly high
When enemies appear
Don’t run and hide

When storms are coming
You will see clear
When your children act up
Remember you only have 18 – 20 years

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When you feel alone
Know it’s just a test
When it’s time to eat
Only eat the best

When time seems to be fleeing
Remember it’s no race
When you grow old just grow in grace

When it’s time to retreat
Don’t ask why
Just go and transform
To be ready to fly

Cause you’re a EAGLE Lady!

 ~Take Heed~

Written By: Evangelist Angela Pewett

Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary and
they shall walk and not faint.
About The Author:

Evangelist Angela Pewett

Angela Pewett accepted her mission from God years ago to build up women in every walk of life. Her desire is for women to know and understand the authority they were given.

Take Heed Stands For:

H ~ Healing
E ~ Encouraging
E ~ Exalting
D ~ Delivering

Angela believes women are capable of doing this in every area of their lives. Are we our sisters keeper…She believes WE ARE!!

Visit Authentic Changes Website:

ALSO READ: Celebrate Sisters



  1. Rita

    Wow, this was such an incredible message to so many people including myself. Thank you for sharing your gift with so many who need it. I also wanted to say that its nice to open up a message and it be an encouraging word, poem, saying etc. So many times people spend much of there time trying to convict others, it appears from your much needed words that you have truly found a way to be uplifting and inspiring to woman, rather then beating us up. Thanks sis.

  2. Renee'

    I will try to keep this short, but Angie….. I must confess when I met you I didn't think you were real. I couldn't believe any woman could really love for real, because we had mutual friends and I met you through one of them but as time went on and things happened ~ you remained true and faithful to everyone and that is something I want to learn….How to love my sisters each of them for who they are to me. I will pray for you, that people learn through you how to really love and protect and encourage women…..God has really designed you to do this…..Thank you for teaching me a life lesson ~ That there are people, who are, who they say they are. Continue to Heal, Encourage, Exhalt and Deliver… are on your way to a great start…..God used you for me and now I want to seek more of him because of the life I see in you and the love you have for me. I love you Angie P.

  3. Gwendolyn Williams
    Gwendolyn Williams

    This is what it's all about, to exalt one another, to inspire and encourage. Thank you.

  4. Rhonda

    SOAR EAGLE! SOAR!!!! Angie, you are truly a inspiration to ALL women!!! Thanks Sister for being YOU.

  5. Latonya

    I am so proud of you. Keep doing what you are doing it is so needed. You are definitely Blessed by the Best. Love ya

  6. Ms. Jackie Brown
    Ms. Jackie Brown

    This message was perfect timing for my life. I will Take Heed and testify later. Thank you Angela!

  7. Darnella

    When I first read this, I had to step back to digest it and just read it again. You are awesome. You are an eagle and I am an eaglette. May God continue to bless you with such wisdom so I can continue to feed my soul. What a wonderful spiritual analogy of the eagle. Go sis…Go!

  8. Erica

    This really touched me because the tears just started rolling and I can't stop them. Thanks

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