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Last Updated on February 23, 2021 by Editor
The Captives Are Set Free At Midnight
In the name of Jesus, we have the authority to declare that the captives are set free at midnight! I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying “The captives will be set free at midnight!” It’s almost midnight and the Lord is delivering His people from spiritual prisons and dungeons. I have seen many times where some Christians take on the role as “The Jailer”. The jailor is given the job to make sure that others remain bound in the prison.
Acts 16:23-24
They were beaten severely and thrown into jail. The officials told the jailer, “Guard them very carefully!” When the jailer heard this special order, he put Paul and Silas far inside the jail and bound their feet between large blocks of wood.
Week after week many Christians find themselves sitting within the walls of the apostate church dying. Guarded carefully by other bond Christians like themselves. They have forgotten about Jesus and encourage others to remain in darkness with them. They see through the eyes of religion, error and fear.
Jesus has given us the keys of authority to bind the jailer that they no longer have access or authority to keep the prisoners in bondage and in dark dungeons where no light shines. In the name of Jesus we have been given the keys (authority) of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever we bind, forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on earth will have already been bound in heaven. Whatever we loose, permit and declare lawful on earth will have already been loosed in heaven.
Matthew 16:19
And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; whatever doors you lock on earth shall be locked in heaven; and whatever doors you open on earth shall be open in heaven!
Use your keys of prayer and praise to bring forth such a shaking in the spirit realm that it will manifest as an earthquake here in the earth realm. Prayer and praises to God are weapons of warfare that bring a release in the spirit. When we sing and pray during our midnight hour it will still the enemy. Foundations are shaken, chains are broken and prisoners are set free. Your prison could be unforgiveness, sickness and infirmity, self hatred, lust, perversion, whoredoms, addictions, or even death. begin to pray and praise and watch the Hand of God move in your midnight hour.
Revelation 1:18
When I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead; but he laid his right hand on me and said, “Don’t be afraid! Though I am the First and Last, the Living One who died, who is now alive forevermore, who has the keys of hell and death—don’t be afraid!
When we pray and sing praises to God, the captives will hear you. They will have ears to hear what the spirit is saying to the church. Our praises to God will break chains, cause the spiritually deaf to hear and open the prison doors.
Isaiah 29:18
And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and out of obscurity and gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind shall see.
Our prayers, intercession and praises to God will send a great earthquake that will shake the very foundations of these spiritual prisons. These prisons have held many captive by binding their feet with fetters preventing them from advancing and moving forward. The result of your prayers and praise to God will send a great earthquake that will shake the prison.
Acts 16:26
Suddenly there was an earthquake so strong that it shook the foundation of the jail. All the doors of the jail opened, and the chains on all the prisoners fell off.
Acts 16:27-30
The jailer woke up and saw that the jail doors were open. He thought that the prisoners had already escaped, so he got his sword and was ready to kill himself. But Paul shouted, “Don’t hurt yourself! We are all here!” The jailer told someone to bring a light. Then he ran inside and, shaking with fear, fell down in front of Paul and Silas. Then he brought them outside and said, “Men, what must I do to be saved?”
The Lord Is Coming In This Season To Shake
When foundations are shaken, earthquakes occur. This great shaking will shake the foundations of prisons. It will open doors, loose captives, shake people out of their sleep and bring forth the light of salvation. This great shaking will have people running asking what must I do to be saved!
At one time you were dead because of your sins.
You followed the sinful ways of the world
And obeyed the leader of the power of darkness.
He is the devil who is now working in the people who do not obey God.
We gave in to what our bodies and minds wanted.
And would suffer from the anger of God.
He loved us with such a great love.
Even when we were dead because of our sins,
He made us alive by what Christ did for us.
You Have Been Saved Share on X
God raised us up from death when He raised up Christ Jesus.
He has given us a place with Christ in the heavens.
He did this to show us through all the time to come
The great riches of His loving-favor.
It is not by anything you have done.
It is a gift of God.
It’s not given to you because you worked for it.
If you could work for it, you would be proud.
We are His work.
He planned that we should do this.
This Katygirl ‘You Are Set Free’ stainless steel water bottle is such an encouragement throughout your day. The beautiful floral design and uplifting message make a great gift for any occasion, including just because.
You Are Set Free
Product Details:
- Inspirational stainless steel water bottle
- Size: 10 1/4″H
- Holds 17 oz.
- Plastic twist-off top
- Material: stainless steel, plastic
- Hand wash
- Not microwave safe
- Product by DaySpring