Her mouth speaks wisdom and loving instruction is on her tongue
Do you ever feel like the waves of stress and anxiety are overflowing and trying to drown you with the cares of this life. Life can be very stressful, especially …
In this video Exposing The Spirit of Jezebel, prophetess Juanita Bynum deals with the characteristics of the Jezebel Spirit and how it operates primarily in the church. This message was …
Jezebel Spirit Books For Training As I was being trained years ago in intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare, I came across the Jezebel Spirit on many occasions. I found it …
Whose table are you eating from? Eating from the Lords table means we are remembering and retelling the story of our Lord’s death. His body was broken for us and …
Do you know that as a born again disciple of Christ, that you have power and authority over Satan. This power and authority to speak the name of Jesus makes …
When light comes in, it exposes every dark and hidden thing in our lives. The Word of God admonishes us to expose unfruitful works of darkness for what they are. …
What a testimony to the greatness of God. Just as the witches, warlocks and magicians did in the Book of Acts, you can burn your book of spells and incantations …
I will sing and give praise to the God of my salvation for He is greatly to be praised. I wanted to share this word with you on today to …
Good Morning Royal Girlz Ministry Family. Let’s begin the first prayer watch of the day off with this morning prayer and worship to our Heavenly Father. I pray that the …
Today on Royal Girlz Ministry, Minister Kimberly Snyder delivers a message entitled The Power of Praise and Prayer that will help to equip you for the upcoming war we will …
Today, I declare and decree that there is no peace with Jezebel”! As long as witchcraft and sexual immorality plague our homes. churches, workplaces, schools and government then we must …
As believers we must not neglect to encourage one another in the Lord. By encouraging our brothers and sisters in Christ, we help to strengthen one another’s faith that our …
Royal Girlz Ministry Daily Word ~ Trials Build Faith You may question why you have to go through so many tests, trials and tribulations in your life. The Word of …
God’s Law About Witchcraft God’s law about witchcraft is very simple. You shall not practice witchcraft or allow a woman who practices it to live. God hates witchcraft and tells …
God Forbids Witchcraft Many Christian have been tricked into believing that witches and the practice of witchcraft is not real. Witches, magicians, sorcerers and fortune tellers are all real. If …
Greetings to all our Royal Girlz Ministry Family. We will be starting our second group for M.O.M. United In Prayer For Autism Prayer Group in the month of October. Our …
In today’s daily word of God we are reading from the 2nd chapter of the Book of James where James gives us the command that love is the royal law …
Royal Girlz Ministry would like to extend a blessed and Happy Purim to our friends and family. Today is a day to reflect and celebrate our God and He delivered …
Today on Royal Girlz Ministry I want to deal with the topic of evilness and afterwards share some scripture based prayers for deliverance from evil. Let’s first start off by …
Today we are going to discuss how the blockade spirit hinders our prayers. The blockade spirit is sent from the enemy to hinder our prayers by blocking our deliverance and …
As we enter into the fourth watch of the night between the hours of 3 am – 6am, it’s important for you to understand the importance of birthing from the womb of …
Today on Royal Girlz Ministry, Minister Kimberly Snyder delivers a message at Life of God Outreach Sons Global Ministries entitled Father Make Us One. It is Jesus desire that The …
What Is Deliverance Today I want to talk about a topic that is asked frequently from those seeking spiritual freedom. What Is deliverance and how do you maintain it. Deliverance …
Blessings Royalty! Today I wanted to share these prayers for increase and enlargement with you. Many times when we speak of increase and enlargement we automatically think of money. God …
Blessings and Happy New Year to all our Royal Girlz Ministry friends and family! I pray that all is well and you are prospering in every area of your life. …