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Royal Girlz Ministry Prophetic Word For 2020
Each year during the last few months of the year I always begin to quiet my spirit and get settled. I tune out a lot of social media, videos and other ministries because I want to clearly hear from the Lord. The year 2019 was no different, as I was seeking Royal Girlz Ministry Prophetic Word for 2020. I inquired of the Lord about what 2020 is going to bring and I received a few things to share. The words that I heard the Lord say was “The Delivery of Judgement is about to come forth In 2020.”
I said Lord, judgement is the same word you have given me to speak for the last few years. It seems like I have been talking about judgement coming for so long, and I know it is, but is there anything else I need to say to your people? Well, one of my Pastor friends called me and began sharing with me what the Lord had given them for their congregation. It was an awesome word that will bring God’s people into alignment and preparation for what’s coming but I kept hearing “Judgement is about to be delivered.”
There is a baby about to be delivered by the name of Judgement and we will soon hear her first cries come from the house of God... the church! Share on XGet Ready For The Delivery
He said “I tell a pregnant woman that she is with child before she delivers. It is not a surprise to her when she brings forth a baby.” The pregnant woman knows that she is with child long before she delivers her baby. This gives her time to prepare, get her house in order, nest and get ready to receive her baby. This is the same way I have had you to announce and prepare the people for my judgement that is coming.
The Lord says the people have been warned (prophesied to)
They have had time to prepare (turn from sin)
Many of them still have not changed their hearts (repented)
Prepare for the Lord to visit the house of God. It is in the house of God where we will hear the first cries of the baby called judgement
1 Peter 4:17
For it is the time [destined] for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not respect or believe or obey the gospel of God?
The Delivery of Justice
Each year this word comes with more intensity and more detail. Prepare for the delivery. The year 2020 will be a year of not just judgment but also justice. I declare and decree that the spirit of judgement and justice will reign throughout this world.
This is the year to cry out to God to execute His justice in this earth realm. Cry out to the Lord for the poor, the needy and the afflicted. Let Him hear your voice lifted up, for it is He that shall deliver us from the hand of the wicked.
Psalm 98:8-9
Let the waves clap their hands in glee and the hills sing out their songs of joy before the Lord, for he is coming to judge the world with perfect justice.
Jeremiah 23:5
Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.
A Year of God’s Blessings For The Faithful
Psalm 65:11
You crown the year with your goodness; your footsteps drop prosperity behind them.
I heard the Lord say that 2020 is going to be a year of abundance, blessings, advancement, anointing, and power for my Bride. For those who have clean hands and a pure heart get ready for the harvest! My heart leaped for joy when the Lord showed me Psalm 65:11
I typically do not talk about prosperity, money wealth and riches but the Lord chastised me toward the end of 2019. He told me to not allow the enemy to keep you from your spiritual birth right to be prosperous. Sometimes we run so far away from the promises of God because we see how wicked people manipulate and abuse the word of God for selfish and greedy gain.
Let’s face it, sometimes it makes us run from those topics but I hear the word of the Lord saying “DO NOT RUN from the blessings I have for you. Let your blessings chase you down and overtake you for it is Me that has sent it according to my Word”
A Year of Refreshing and Healing
Last year was the year of separation for many in regards to both our natural and spiritual connections. The Lord called many of His sons and daughters out of dry places, apostate churches, unfruitful relationships and ungodly soul tie covenants.
As we enter into 2020 the Lord is saying “Make your hands clean and your hearts pure for the harvest is plentiful.” In the days to come, darkness is going to grow darker around us, but the Light of Christ in us is going to shine brighter than ever.
John 1:4-5
In him there was life, and that life was a light for the people of the world. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not defeated it.
2 Corinthians 4:6-11
God once said, “Let light shine out of the darkness!” And this is the same God who made his light shine in our hearts to let us know that his own divine greatness is seen in the face of Christ.
We have this treasure from God, but we are only like clay jars that hold the treasure. This is to show that the amazing power we have is from God, not from us. We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We often don’t know what to do, but we don’t give up. Persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed. So we constantly experience the death of Jesus in our own bodies, but this is so that the life of Jesus can also be seen in our bodies. We are alive, but for Jesus we are always in danger of death, so that the life of Jesus can be seen in our bodies that die.
Glory Be To God In The Highest!
Trouble Is Coming
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION! Seek the Lord while you still have time. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Jesus gave His life for both you and me and He is still offering us His grace, love and the gift of salvation.
Each day we are seeing the signs of this world growing darker and darker. Do not be deceived for God is not mocked and His word WILL come to pass. I cry out to you today to repent, change your hearts and turn back to God for trouble is quickly approaching coming.
All the good people are gone, and no one even noticed.
The loyal followers were gathered up, but no one knows why.
The reason they were gathered up is that trouble is coming.
But peace will come too, and those who trust him will get to rest in their own beds.
To The Unfaithful Ones
Come here, you children of witches.
Your father committed adultery, and your mother was unfaithful.
You are children out of control, full of lies.
You make fun of me.
You make faces and stick out your tongue at me.
All you want is to worship false gods under every green tree.
You kill children by every stream and sacrifice them in the rocky places.
You love to worship the smooth rocks in the rivers.
And pour wine on them to worship them.
You give sacrifices to them, but those rocks are all you get.
Do you think this makes me happy?
You make your bed on every hill and high mountain.
You go up to those places and offer sacrifices.
You hide the things that help you remember me behind the doors and doorframes.
You were with me, but you got up to go to them.
You spread out your bed and gave yourself to them.
You love their beds and enjoy looking at their naked bodies.
You use your oils and perfumes to look nice for Molech.
You sent your messengers to faraway lands, and this will bring you down to the place of death.
All of them made you tired, but you never gave up.
You found new strength, because you enjoyed them.
The Promise of God’s Holy Mountain
And you did not remember me.
You did not even notice me!
So who were you worrying about?
Who were you afraid of?
Why did you lie?
Look, I have been quiet for a long time.
Is that why you didn’t honor me?
I could tell about your ‘good works’ and all the ‘religious’ things you do, but that will not help you.
When you need help, you cry to those false gods that you have gathered around you.
Let them help you!
But I tell you, the wind will blow them all away.
A puff of wind will blow them all away.
But the one who depends on me will get the land I promised and enjoy my holy mountain.”
The Lord Will Save His People
Clear the road! Clear the road!
Make the way clear for my people!
God is high and lifted up.
He lives forever.
His name is holy.
He says, “I live in a high and holy place,
but I also live with people who are humble and sorry for their sins.
I will give new life to those who are humble in spirit.
I will give new life to those who are sorry for their sins.
I will not accuse my people forever.
I will not always be angry.
If I continued to show my anger,
then the human spirit, the life I gave them, would die before me.
Israel’s evil greed made me angry,
so I punished them.
I turned away from them because I was angry.
But they continued to do wrong.
They did whatever they wanted.
I have seen their way of life, but I will heal them.
I will guide and comfort them and those who mourn for them.
I will teach them a new word: peace.
I will give peace to those who are near and to those who are far away.
I will heal them.”
The Lord himself said this.
But evil people are like the angry ocean.
They cannot be quiet and peaceful.
They are angry, and like the ocean,
they stir up mud.
My God says,
“There is no peace for evil people.”
This Is War
We are going to see and witness things this year that we have never seen before. I shared a word over 2 years ago now while we were still on Facebook and I especially wanted to warn my brothers and sisters in Christ who worked for airlines and on ships to stay prayed up. I admonished everyone who travels by airplane and boats to not be afraid, but prayerful about things going on up above in the heavenlies and down below in the waters.
Not even three days had passed and I was watching the Nightly World News as it reported both tragedy with aircraft and boats on the same newscast! Every since then, I have been seeing a major increase of both aircraft and boats missing and crashing.
There has been an increase of demonic activity and spiritual warfare in both the air and sea. Things are stirring and shifting and we are right in the middle of both. This year you will need to increase your prayer life to go higher in the Lord. The spirits that are now being released are much more powerful than we have ever known.
Another Level With New Devils
We are now encountering marine spirits or water spirits that many of us have no clue how to war against. There are also entities in the heavenlies that are being released to come here to earth and the deception that is already going forth is that these entities are part of our ancestral line. We will talk about all these things and more. The things that the Lord has shown me to come is going to look like we are literally living in a sci fi movie.
Many of these topics I will begin to discuss and share with you as the Lord gives me the release. I have several post sitting in “draft status” waiting for the Lord to release me to post it. What I can say is that this is a time to really really get focused on the Lord. Do not be distracted or take your eyes off the Lord. Saints of the Most High, I admonish you to stay in His Word and prepare your hearts and minds for war!
Romans 8:38-39
For I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels won’t, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God’s love away. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, or where we are—high above the sky, or in the deepest ocean—nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when he died for us.
Be Encouraged In The Lord Saints!