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Last Updated on December 29, 2019 by Editor

Return To The Lord Part 2 – The Adulterous Bride
It’s time to stop playing the harlot! As mentioned in Return To The Lord: Part 1 ~ Jesus is Calling His Bride, This word was given to me by Wisdom to share with the Bride of Christ. In Return To The Lord Part 2 – The Adulterous Bride, this word comes directly from the Book of Hosea 2.
Repent and Return Back To God
In this book we find the love story of Christ for His Bride (the church) played out through the Prophet Hosea and his adulterous wife Gomer. It shows us the unconditional love that the Lord has for us even when we leave Him and walk away to follow after other lovers.
There comes a time in your relationship with the Lord when you drop to your knees and say “Lord…I surrender all!” You have tried everything from relationships to drugs. Over the years, you have slowly turned from God and replaced His relationship with a Fortune 500 career, three college degrees, a marriage, children, a big house, luxury cars, money, money and more money!
Then you wake up one day to find yourself empty, with no purpose, lost and feeling that you have sold your soul like a prostitute! You realize that you have traded your relationship with God for mammon and the things of this world. It’s time for you to return to your first love.
Matthew 6:24
No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stand by and be devoted to the one and despise and be against the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (deceitful riches, money, possessions, or whatever is trusted in).
The Spirit of Whoredoms
Looking at the visual chart of Strongman’s His Name…What’s His Game you will find that the Spirit of Whoredoms is a strongman that needs to be bound before deliverance can take place.
The Fruit Produced From This Spirit Is:
- Unfaithfulness
- Adultery (Natural & Spiritual)
- Chronic Dissatisfaction
- Love of Money
- Fornication
- Idolatry
- Excessive Appetite For Anything
- Wordliness
- Body Prostituition
- Spirit and Soul Prostitution
The definition of whoredoms is:
When the Lord first began speaking to Israel through Hosea, he said to him, “Go and marry a prostitute, so that some of her children will be conceived in prostitution. This will illustrate how Israel has acted like a prostitute by turning against the Lord and worshiping other gods.”
As we see in this passage, whoredoms is not just a physical act of body prostitution but it is also a soulish and spiritual act as well.
You Must First Bind The Strongman
In order to be free from whoredoms you must FIRST bind the strongman of whoredoms. The Lord tells us in Matthew 16:19 “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” This simply means that whatever you prohibit to happen on earth, God will prohibit to happen in heaven. Whatever we allow to happen on earth, God will allow and permit to happen in heaven.
Many times we will hear others or even ourselves get angry and blame God for what is going on in earth with all the killing, hurt, and pain. God is saying to us: “I allow it because you allow it. I have given man dominion on the earth and whatever you allow…I allow. What you prohibit…I prohibit. Take your authority back from Satan and go take back everything He has stolen from you.”
Mark 3:26-28
So if Satan fights against himself, that will be the end of him. How can anyone break into the house of a strong man and steal his things, unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can take everything. I promise you that any of the sinful things you say or do can be forgiven, no matter how terrible those things are.
Listen As Wisdom Calls You
The Good Woman—Wisdom
Listen! Wisdom is shouting in the streets. She is crying out in the marketplace. She is calling out where the noisy crowd gathers:
“Fools, how long will you love being ignorant? How long will you make fun of wisdom? How long will you hate knowledge? I wanted to tell you everything I knew and give you all my knowledge, but you didn’t listen to my advice and teaching. “I tried to help, but you refused to listen and I offered my hand, but you turned away from me.

The Story Begins…
“Then you will say to your brothers, ‘You are my people,’ and you will say to your sisters, ‘He has shown mercy to you.’”
“Argue with your mother.
Argue with her because she is no longer my wife, and I am no longer her husband!
Tell her to stop being like a prostitute.
Tell her to take away her lovers from between her breasts.
If she refuses to stop her adultery,
I will strip her naked and leave her like the day she was born.
I will take away her people, and she will be like an empty, dry desert.
And I will kill her with thirst.

And I will have no pity on her children because they are the children of prostitution.
Their mother has acted like a prostitute.
She should be ashamed of what she did.
She Said,
‘I will go to my lovers, who give me food and water, wool and linen, wine and olive oil.’

So I, the Lord, will block Israel’s road with thorns, and I will build a wall.
Then she will not be able to find her path.

She will run after her lovers, but she will not be able to catch up with them.
She will look for her lovers, but she will not be able to find them.
Then She Will Say
‘I will go back to my husband.
Life was better for me when I was with him.
Life was better then than it is now.’
The Lord Says
You did not realize and know that all you have has come from me!
It was ME who gave you your grain
(Your Financial & Material Blessings)
It was ME who gave you your new wine
(Your Joy of Life)
It was ME who gave you your oil
(Your Anointing)
You Have Made Baal Your God
I multiplied and increased your silver and gold
That you used to worship Baal your god!

But now I will return and take away my grain in it’s ripe time.
I will take away my new wine in its season and
I will take back my wool and my linen,
The clothes I gave you to cover your nakedness

Now I will uncover and expose your nakedness
In the sight of your lovers and the public
For all to see
And no one shall deliver you from my hand.

I will put an end to all your joy, your parties, holidays and feasts.
I will destroy your vines and your fig tress of which you have said:
“These are my wages that my lovers have given me.”
The Lord Says:
I will punish you
For the days of the Baals to which you burned incense.
You decked yourself with your earrings and jewelry,
And went after your lovers;
But Me you forgot
For all these things I will punish you says the Lord.
God’s Mercy On His Bride

The Lord Says:
But I will allure you and court you again
And bring you into the wilderness
And speak comfort and tenderly to you there.
There in the wilderness
I will bring you back
And give you back your vineyards

And the Valley of Achor – Valley of Troubles
As a Door of Hope
You shall sing there
As In the days of your youth
As In the day when you came up from the land of Egypt
After you were freed from captivity and bondage

I Will Be Called Your Husband
And in that coming day says the Lord,
That is the day
You shall call me “Your Husband”
Instead of “My Master”
I will take the names of your idols from your mouth
And you shall no more speak
Or remember their names anymore
In that day I will make a covenant for them
A treaty between you and the wild animals, birds and snakes
Not to fear each other anymore
And I will destroy all weapons
And all wars will end
Then you will lie down in peace and safety unafraid

And I will betroth you to me forever
Yes, I will betroth you to me
In righteousness and justice
In lovingkindness and mercy
I will betroth (engage) you to me in faithfulness
And you shall know the Lord
As you never have before
It shall come to pass in that day
That I will answer
I will answer the heavens
The pleading of the sky for clouds
The clouds shall answer the earth
To pour down water on the earth
For it’s cry for rain
Then the earth can answer
The parched cry of the grain
The grapes of new wine
And the oil for moisture and dew
They shall answer the land
The Remnant
Then I will sow a crop of Israelites
And they will reply
“You Are Our God”
God Is Married To The Backslider
It is time for us to return to the Lord and love Him with all our heart, soul and mind. It is time to put God first in your life. There is nothing in this world whether it be people or things that take more precedence than our Lord. If you have fallen into a backsliden state, just know that the Lord still loves you and is waiting for you to return back to him. The word says He is married to the backslider. We see His love, mercy and grace for his bride portrayed throughout the book of Hosea. It’s not too late for YOU to repent and return to your first love.