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Last Updated on July 9, 2019 by Editor

Prophetic Word For 2019 – Royal Girlz Ministry
“And The Day Shall Be Dark For Them”
The Lord Speaks In The Darkness
This is the Prophetic Word For 2019 that He gave me to share with His people. I don’t believe this is the only prophetic word He wants to speak concerning this year, but for now this is what He gave me to share especially to the leaders, prophets and priest. This was also the Lord showing me that even in the dark night that is coming upon this earth, we must stay focused on Him and Him alone. Do NOT be distracted by the enemy! The Lord is yet with us and we must continue to walk in faith. Please read this carefully and share this word with others. As I have said many times before, we are at a very critical season. Jesus is standing at the door and judgement is soon to come to the nations. Not just America, but to all the nations.
The Leaders of Israel Are Guilty of Evil
Then I said, “Listen, leaders of Jacob and officers of the nation of Israel!
You should know what justice is.
But you hate good and love evil.
You tear the skin off the people and tear the flesh off their bones.
Destroying my people.
You take their skin off them and break their bones.
And you chop their bones up like meat to put in the pot!
Then you will pray to the Lord, but he will not answer you.
No, he will hide his face from you, because what you do is evil.”
False Prophets
Some false prophets are telling lies to the Lord’s people.
This is what the Lord says about them:
These prophets are led by their stomachs.
They promise peace for those who give them food, but they promise war to those who do not give them food.
This is why it is like night for you and you don’t have visions.
You cannot see what will happen in the future, so it is like darkness to you.
The sun has gone down on the prophets.
They cannot see what will happen in the future,so it is like darkness to them.
The seers are ashamed.
The fortunetellers are embarrassed.
None of them will say anything, because God will not speak to them.”
An Honest Prophet of God
But the Lord’s Spirit has filled me with power, goodness, and strength.
So I can tell Jacob about his crimes, and so I can tell Israel about his sins!
The Leaders of Israel Are to Blame
Leaders of Jacob and rulers of Israel, listen to me!
You hate the right way of living!
If something is straight, then you make it crooked!
You build Zion by murdering people.
You build Jerusalem by cheating people!
The judges in Jerusalem accept bribesto help them decide who wins in court.
The priests in Jerusalem must be paidbefore they will teach the people.
People must pay the prophets before they will look into the future.
Then those leaders expect the Lord to help them.
They say, “The Lord lives here with us,so nothing bad will happen to us.”
Zion Will Be Destroyed
Leaders, because of you, Zion will be destroyed.
It will become a plowed field.
Jerusalem will become a pile of rocks.
Temple Mount will be an empty hill overgrown with bushes.
Darkness of Days
After I read this passage in trembling, repentance and Fear of The Lord, He told me that the darkness that I saw and the stillness that I felt was going to be what many of the prophets and priest are going to experience this 2019 year. The Lord has given the leaders HIS word to proclaim, speak forth and declare among the nations. Many of them for their own personal gain, fear of man and love of money have spoken contrary to what the Lord has shown and spoken to them.
It is for this reason that these wicked leaders and false prophets will experience darkness of night. My prayer is that you will heed to the word of God. I pray that you seek the Lord concerning this prophetic word for 2019 – Royal Girlz Ministry. I have delivered it, but it is NOT MY prophetic Word. This is a word from the Lord.
Seek Wisdom, Ask for Understanding And Consider The Latter End…