Prayer Watches Of The Night 12AM - 3AM

12AM – 3AM Prayer Watch Third Watch of The Night


  1. Roan Zwemstra

    Thanks for the effort to write, be blessed in your endeavours!

  2. Phanuel Paul Kyombo
    Phanuel Paul Kyombo

    Could you pse send the hard copy book?

    1. Editor


      We are currently in the process of getting that published for our readers and will announce soon when it’s available.


  3. Malinda

    Shalom Sis 💜💜🙌🗣️🙏🏼

      1. Bertha

        My name is Bertha from Alabama, I ran unto This Prayer Watchers 5 years ago, The Holy Spirit has been waking me up. I notice since have been waking, praying on This Prayer Watch. Through this prayer God has been bring down, senators, big reality business, pastors, school teacher’s anyone doing sexually Trafficking. I am seeing our prayers being answered. I know lot Believers say i don’t watch news. I besech ou to do so. God tearing down Satan sexual Sin houses.

        1. Editor

          Amen! To God be the glory. Thank you for your obedience and consistency to pray during this watch.

  4. debbiedesh

    God bless you Kimberly. May He perfect and keep you in all your ways, and enrich you and enlarge your territory. God bless you and thank you for this.

    1. Editor

      I am so glad that you found our ministry and that the prayer watches have been a blessing to you. Thank you for your prayers and may God continue to bless you and keep you my sister!


      1. Suzanne

        I am so glad I found your ministry through my dear friend, God Bless him, he just got out of the hospital a couple of ago, he had to be revived 2 times 😢😢actually, We were high school sweethearts and after 2 years later we broke up, he went into the Service for 22 years ❤️ we found each other 🙌❤️ please pray for him (Edward R) thank you, God Bless you

        1. Editor

          To God be the glory! I am glad you found the ministry and I pray it will be a blessing and edifying to both you and Edward. We will keep him lifted up in prayer that the Lord will both heal and restore him. May the peace of God be with you always.


  5. Steven

    Thank you

    1. Editor

      Blessings to you!

  6. Anonymous

    May God richly bless you for this article!

  7. Zii zee

    You are already blessed Kimberly. May the flood gates of blessings remain open for you. Thank you.

    1. Editor

      Blessings to you!
      Thank you so much for your prayers and support of Royal Girlz. May the Lord bless you richly.


  8. Philip

    I can never recoverd from life changing ENCOUNTER with this is articles. Am blessed.

    1. Editor

      To God be the glory!!

  9. Rose

    Thank you for this prayer resource! I love this. God bless you and thank you so much. Psalm 91 over you – the Soldier's Shield. Amen.

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Royal Girlz Editor


Kimberly has a passion to prophesy to the lost souls that sit in darkness and the captives bond in the prisons. To see souls saved, delivered and set free from every form of bondage and captivity is her desire. By speaking the truth of God's Holy Word, Kimberly seeks to bring healing and deliverance to those that sit in spiritual darkness by introducing them to the glorious light of the world which is on found only in Jesus Christ.

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