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Last Updated on January 20, 2022 by Editor
My heart has been very heavy for the past week or so. It’s so sad to see that we are living in a time where we are so divided. Our nation is divided, our churches are divided and even our families are divided. I have been watching and listening to how people have literally turned on one another because of their decision to vote for one particular person or the other.
Our Nation Is Divided As One Says “Make America Great Again”
Our Nation Is Divided As Another Says “We Are Stronger Together”
What exactly are we being “Stronger Together” in…..more defiance of God! We are looking for a man or a woman to fix something that they are not capable of fixing. They are shouting for peace, but destruction is coming upon this nation quickly and we are walking around groping in the dark trying to find our way with blinded eyes and deaf ears!
All in the name of being politically correct, we as a nation have sacrificed ourselves on Satan’s altar of COMPROMISE! Our nation is divided as we continue to march and stand for causes that are not even in accordance with God’s Word. We shout “God Bless America, but we aren’t blessing God, and we run to Him during difficult times as we run from Him in our pride and arrogance.
We turn our backs on him when we pass laws against His Word…
And march for “Our Rights” to kill millions of innocent babies each year
When it goes against His word, God doesn’t care anything about my rights or your rights! He is a just God and a fair God, but He will not go against His Word.
False Prophets and False Teachers
Here is the worse abomination of it all, when we turn to the church for help and prayer. We turn to see the faces of wolves! Preachers, teachers and prophets lying to the people saying “all is well!” They tell you to shout it out, turn around 7 times and your problem will be complete! Run up here to the altar quick…don’t think about it…just run up here with your $1,000 seed and give! By this time tomorrow God is gonna bring you out!
People of God…WAKE UP…
Stop throwing money on the altar like dice on the table wishing for a “Lucky” blessing or anointing!
Woe unto you false prophets and lying teachers
Who lie to God’s people
Woe unto you false prophets and lying teachers
Who steal and ravish their homes
Woe unto you!
Church Wake Up!
Bride arise and put on your strength.
Go read God’s Word for yourself and stop being deceived.
The Lord Says
All you people who are thirsty, come!
Here is water for you to drink.
Don’t worry if you have no money.
Come, eat and drink until you are full!
You don’t need money.
The milk and wine are free. – Isaiah 55:1
Waiting for somebody to anoint you to go minister to the lost
Looking for titles to validate you
Waiting on a prophetic word to confirm you
Go To Your Father In Heaven Who…
Loves you…
Cares for you…
Protects you….
Provides for you….
Leads you into all truth…
Jesus Said…
John 14:6
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Lift Up Your Voice
This world is getting darker and darker by the day. You can feel the thickness of evil and wickedness in the air. But even in this time, The Bride of Christ shall arise and shine and the glory with the glory of the Lord risen upon her. It’s no longer a time to be silent. We have had enough moments of silence! It’s time to lift up your voice like a trumpet in Zion. Lift up your voices and don’t be afraid of man! Lift up your voices and declare to America that Jesus Christ is Lord of lords and King of kings!
Cry aloud, do not hold back! Raise your voice like a shofar. Tell My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.
Work While It Is Day
We must work while it is day, because night is coming upon us. There will come a day that is quickly approaching when we will no longer be able to work. When the veil of darkness and evil has covered this earth and the salt are light will be gone. It’s almost midnight and the time to work will be over. Seek the Lord while He may be found. Call on Him while He is near.”
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