Blessings and Happy New Year to all our Royal Girlz Ministry friends and family! I pray that all is well and you are prospering in every area of your life. …

Her mouth speaks wisdom and loving instruction is on her tongue
The Book of Matthew speaks of Jesus sharing with His disciples the end time signs and events that were to occur before He returns. We are seeing these very events occurring everyday in the news as we get closer to Christ return.
Later, Jesus was sitting at a place on the Mount of Olives. The followers came to be alone with him. They said, “Tell us when these things will happen. And what will happen to prepare us for your coming and the end of time?”
Jesus answered, “Be careful! Don’t let anyone fool you. Many people will come and use my name. They will say, ‘I am the Messiah.’ And they will fool many people. You will hear about wars that are being fought. And you will hear stories about other wars beginning. But don’t be afraid. These things must happen before the end comes. Nations will fight against other nations. Kingdoms will fight against other kingdoms. There will be times when there is no food for people to eat. And there will be earthquakes in different places. These things are only the beginning of troubles, like the first pains of a woman giving birth.
“Then you will be arrested and handed over to be punished and killed. People all over the world will hate you because you believe in me. During that time many believers will lose their faith. They will turn against each other and hate each other. Many false prophets will come and cause many people to believe things that are wrong. There will be so much more evil in the world that the love of most believers will grow cold. But the one who remains faithful to the end will be saved. And the Good News I have shared about God’s kingdom will be told throughout the world. It will be spread to every nation. Then the end will come.
Blessings and Happy New Year to all our Royal Girlz Ministry friends and family! I pray that all is well and you are prospering in every area of your life. …
Greetings Saints. I want to share another prophecy update with you from Faithful Walk Healing Ministries entitled The Third Temple & The Wheat and The Tares. In this particular video …
Greetings Saints. Today I wanted to share a prophecy update with you from Faithful Walk Healing Ministries entitled Israel, America, & The Psalm 83 War. In this video published on …
In this video, The Spirit of Jezebel Over America, In The Church & It’s Gatekeeper, Prophetess Mena Lee Jones of Faithful Walk Healing Ministries shares a word given to her …
Hello Royal Girlz Family! Today I wanted to share Prophetess Mena Lee Jones Prophecy Update: Warn Them….War is Coming to Your Shores. This is a powerful and timely word for …
The Word of God promises us in the Book of Exodus that when you obey and serve the Lord, that He will bless your bread and your water. He goes …
Greeting Saints of God! I wanted to share this special word with our Royal Girlz Ministry readers. As many of you already know, I am very protective over God’s people. …
Hello Royal Girlz Family. Today in our word of the day I wanted to bring your attention to a prophetic end time event occurring right before our eyes. Have you …
I originally posted this do not take your shoes off prophetic dream back in February of 2017. I wanted to repost it for you today while we are in our …
What Is Rosh Hashanah And How Is It Celebrated? Royal Girlz Ministry would like to extend Rosh Hashanah blessings to everyone celebrating this joyous holy day. Rosh Hashanah or “The …
Hello Royal Girlz Ministry readers. I pray that everyone is doing well and in good health. Today I want to share this prayer for deliverance from evil men with you. …
Very Important Information For You!!! This is very important information that I must share with our Royal Girlz Ministry readers! As a prophetic watchman, I felt it was extremely vital …
Increase In Recent Earthquakes 2020 It was during this same month last year that the Lord instructed me to do a more intense study and post on the significance …
The Earth Groans And Travails Like the first birth pains of a pregnant woman, the earth groans and travails as it anticipates the glory that shall be revealed in the …
Significance Of Earthquakes In The Bible What are earthquakes and what exactly is the significance of earthquakes in the bible end times? Earthquakes are defined as a sudden and violent …
Hail Storms and Floods Prophetic Warning Today I was reading a passage in the Book of Isaiah that the Lord had given me. As I meditated on this word, I …
The Spiritual Divorce Of The Church I received this word from the Lord in the early part of 2016. I began sharing it with those the Holy Spirit would release …
Wake Up! It’s almost midnight. My dear brothers and sisters it’s almost midnight! We are so close to the return of Christ and many are still sleep and unaware of …
Pastor Mark Biltz Blood Moons – Part 1 The scriptures speak of coming time when the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood. These are all …
The True Church Stands Firm Originally Posted: January 25, 2016 On Tuesday January 19, 2016, the Lord gave me a two-part dream that I was told to share with the …
Matt Smiths Prophetic Poem Matt Smiths prophetic poem reveals the future of America in 2016 and beyond. Rick Wiles of TRUNEWS greets Lakeland Church musician, minister and husband Matt Smith. …
Repent America For Babylon is falling. The Times of India reported that on August 9, 2015 “In a breathtaking spectacle, goddess Kali was projected on the Empire State Building in …
Emergency Preparedness At Home This list is not an exhaustive list by any means, but is intended to provide you with the basic supplies you would need in case of …
The word of God tells us that all the nations will gather together to fight against Jerusalem. The Lord says He has a special day of judgement coming for these …
The Lord God speaks to us and reveals Himself to us in many different ways. One of the was He does this is through signs in the heavenlies. One of …