Today I want to share a prayer for humility and obedience with our readers. The word of God tells us in Proverbs 18:12 that before being ruined, a person’s heart …

Her mouth speaks wisdom and loving instruction is on her tongue
True Christian Living
True christian living requires us to take up our cross and follow Jesus. If we are more concerned about our lives and this world, we can’t be His followers.
Then Jesus called the crowd and his followers to him. He said, “Any of you who want to be my follower must stop thinking about yourself and what you want. You must be willing to carry the cross that is given to you for following me. Any of you who try to save the life you have will lose it. But you who give up your life for me and for the Good News will save it.
Today I want to share a prayer for humility and obedience with our readers. The word of God tells us in Proverbs 18:12 that before being ruined, a person’s heart …
Law Enforcement Taking The Kingdom By Force The word of God tells us that police officers and government officials are sent by God to help us. Detective Dayel is a …
The Earth Groans And Travails Like the first birth pains of a pregnant woman, the earth groans and travails as it anticipates the glory that shall be revealed in the …
Hear My Voice In My Morning Prayer This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank you Lord for brand …
40 Curses For Not Obeying God’s Laws On yesterday we shared the 28 blessings for obeying the word of God and the promises He gives to us through our obedience. …
28 Blessings For Obeying The Word of God God promises us blessings when we obey God’s laws. We no longer live under the Old Testament laws as the law was …
The Book of Revelation Revealed – Chapter 1 We wanted to revise this series that we started back in September of 2013 discussing the Book of Revelation. In The Book …
God Makes A Promise With A Rainbow The other day I was out shopping and I saw this really cute rainbow wall plugin. Just before I got ready to pick …
Jesus And The Fig Tree Warning This word concerning Jesus and the fig tree has been on my heart since the beginning of 2018. It was originally published on March …
You Will Name Him Jesus It was hard for Joseph; Mary’s soon to be husband to believe that Mary was yet a virgin and pregnant. Because it was a hard …
The Birth of Jesus the Messiah The Christmas season is here! This is the time of year where people are buying gifts for one another, more kind and giving. In …
Communion Cup And Wafer Set Come together and partake of the Lord’s table with this convenient prefilled communion cup and wafer set. Each time we take communion, we are remembering …
Thanksgiving Cards Christian Blessings Encourage your friends and family with our Dayspring Thanksgiving Cards Christian blessings. The holiday season is here again and Thanksgiving is one of my favorite …
God Has Chosen Me The God has chosen me prayer is a reminder of who we are in Christ. This prayer comes from the Book of Colossians 3:1-17. Praying this …
My New Life In Christ This My New Life In Christ prayer is an especially good prayer for new believers. It is also a great reminder for those who have …
Addison Woosley Abortion Speech In Raleigh NC On June 4, 2019 Addison Woosley abortion speech in Raleigh NC shook up the city counsel meeting.Tensions rose in the meeting as many …
Wisdom Has a Purpose For Your Life Wisdom has a purpose for your life and mine. When we seek the wisdom of God, we find His purpose. It is in …
Prayers For Financial Breakthrough & Increase Prayers for financial breakthrough and increase, when prayed by believers are very powerful! God’s word and promises are true to His children. As we …
The Treasures of Your Heart Locate You The treasures of your heart speaks to the location of your heart. When we read the focus scripture below we see that when …
Living The Good Life On Purpose Who were you created to be? What destiny has God primed for your life? What would you do if you weren’t afraid? Do you …
Keep Alert and Pray Keep alert and pray, otherwise temptation will overpower you. In the passages of Matthew we find where Jesus is admonishing His disciples to stay alert by …
The Great Apostasy that the Bible spoke of is not coming, it’s already here! The Word of God warns us that in the last days many would stop following the …
Dear friends, let us practice loving each other, for love comes from God and those who are loving and kind show that they are the children of God, and that they are getting to know him better. But if a person isn’t loving and kind, it shows that he doesn’t know God—for God is love.
One thing that we see missing most in today’s society is love. As the Father’s children, we must show His love in everything we do and say. Our love for one another must first be pure. The word tells us that we are to practice loving one another. To practice loving one another means we must be conscience of how we treat one another as believers. As we grow in the faith, God teaches us how to love one another. God is love and there is no better teacher than love himself.
When we don’t show love to one another we are not representing God. When we show ourselves not friendly and unkind to one another, we are not representing God our Father. We cannot have hidden agendas and motives behind our love. The best example of God’s love for us is when He gave His only begotten Son for us. It is through God’s unselfish sacrifice that we have life.
Let us be aware as we go about our day to practice showing brotherly love to one another. In this way we represent our Father in Heaven well and He is pleased with our actions.
1 Thessalonians 4:9
But concerning the pure brotherly love that there should be among God’s people, I don’t need to say very much, I’m sure! For God himself is teaching you to love one another.
Knowing The Difference Between Condemnation and Conviction Have you always struggled with knowing the difference between condemnation and conviction? The Word of God gives us a clear distinction of the …