Breaking Ungodly Sexual Soul Ties

Breaking Ungodly Sexual Soul Ties

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Breaking Ungodly Sexual Soul Ties

Breaking ungodly sexual soul ties is imperative for us to live an abundant and victorious life in Christ. A soul tie is when two souls are knit together either through a soulish or spiritual transference. Soul ties can be either a blessing or a curse depending upon who they are formed with and the motive of the connection. The strength of soul ties depends on how deeply connected the individuals are to one another. When our strongest soul tie is with God the Father, His spirit will cover us and protect us against ungodly soul ties.

Breaking Ungodly SoulTies

Breaking Soul Ties

Soul ties can be developed with family, friends, co-workers and personal relationships. Sometimes soul ties are formed out of unhealthy and impure motives of the heart. When people are knitted together by impure motives, that soul tie can enable a person to manipulate and abuse the other through the ties that bind.

When soul ties are developed, the mind, will and emotions of a person is open wide to the other.It is very important that we are able to recognize and spiritually discern who we allow into our lives. We must be able to clearly hear the voice of God as He warns us to guard our hearts.

The Two Shall Become One

The Two Shall Become One Flesh

Soul ties developed between a husband and a  wife within a marriage covenant is the will of God. When a man and a woman marry, the Bible says the two are joined together and become one flesh. This joining together happens in a spiritual way and the two souls become one within the marriage covenant. The marriage ties are very strong and was never designed to be broken through divorce. When divorce occurs there is a actual tearing apart of the two souls that have been intertwined by God.

“At last!” the man exclaimed. “This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called ‘woman,’ because she was taken from man. ”This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.

Matthew 19:5-6
And God said, ‘That is why a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife. And the two people will become one.’
So they are no longer two, but one. God has joined them together, so no one should separate them.”

The One Shall Become Many

A sexual covenant can also be formed outside of God’s will for marriage. Any sexual covenant formed outside of marriage God’s way is formed by Satan. Within a marriage, God brings a husband and wife together as one. Satan tries to imitate God by yoking people together under an unholy  covenant. Did you know that whoever you have sexual intercourse with is apart of you? That person has been knit to your soul as well as the people whom they had sexual relations with. This means you could be carrying around the souls of many other people whom you have never directly seen or touched. You are now joined to a prostitute or a harlot and this can make you feel lost, alone, depressed and torn.

The One Shall Become Many

Use Your Bodies For The Glory of God

1 Corinthians 6:12-20
“I am allowed to do anything,” you say. My answer to this is that not all things are good. Even if it is true that “I am allowed to do anything,” I will not let anything control me like a slave. Someone else says, “Food is for the stomach, and the stomach for food.” Yes, and God will destroy them both. But the body is not for sexual sin. The body is for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body. And God will raise our bodies from death with the same power he used to raise the Lord Jesus. Surely you know that your bodies are parts of Christ himself. So I must never take what is part of Christ and join it to a prostitute! The Scriptures say, “The two people will become one.” So you should know that anyone who is joined with a prostitute becomes one with her in body. But anyone who is joined with the Lord is one with him in spirit.

So run away from sexual sin. It involves the body in a way that no other sin does. So if you commit sexual sin, you are sinning against your own body. You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit that you received from God and that lives in you. You don’t own yourselves. God paid a very high price to make you his. So honor God with your body.

The Dangers of Sex Outside of Marriage

Breaking Ungodly Sexual Soul Ties - Dangers of Sex Outside Marriage

When a husband and wife come together sexually, a greater bond and union is formed. This soul tie formed through the sexual union of marriage is mysterious and unique and was only designed to be shared between a husband and wife. The dangers of sex outside of marriage is very real. It is when we form sexual relationships outside of the marriage covenant that ungodly sexual soul ties are made.
Each time you sleep with someone outside of marriage, you leave a piece of your soul with them and they do the same with you. You are also taking on whatever spirits that person has as well. A sexual involvement with anyone outside of marriage can be very difficult to break off as it binds you to that person through the spirit. Remember, sex is not just a natural act, but a spiritual one ass well.
Ungodly sexual soul ties can result in a soul that never feels at rest or peace. It will also cause a person to have difficulties with committing to one partner in marriage as their soul is still entangled to other partners outside the marriage covenant. The Bible tells us to flee or run from sexual immorality of any kind. In order for soul ties to be broken, you must first be willing to bring your sin to the Lord and be willing to be delivered.
Run away from sexual immorality [in any form, whether thought or behavior, whether visual or written]. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the one who is sexually immoral sins against his own body.

Deliverance Scriptures For Breaking Ungodly Sexual Soul Ties

Deliverance Scriptures For Breaking Ungodly Sexual Soul Ties
You can pray these prayers for anything done outside as well as inside your marriage. God will heal and restore you to Himself. In the name of Jesus we declare and decree the word of God over our lives today and walk out of darkness and into His marvelous light of freedom from ungodly sexual soul ties.
  • Spirits of lust and perversion to come out of my stomach, genitals, throat, tongue, mouth, mind, eyes, hands and blood in the name of Jesus
  • Hereditary lusts, perversion and all incest spirits from my generational ancestors to come out and be broken off my life in the name of Jesus
  • Every witchcraft and Jezebel spirit who work with lust and lead God’s people astray to come out in the name of Jesus
  • That I will speak and sing the praises of the Word of God over my life
  • My words and my songs to edify the Lord and that the words of my mouth will not ensnare me
  • That every thought be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ
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  • All curses of adultery, perversion, fornication, lust, homosexuality, rape, molestation, incest, illegitimacy, harlotry, and polygamy
  • Ungodly soul ties with past lovers and sexual partners outside of marriage
  • Spirits of loneliness that would drive me to any and all ungodly sexual relationships
  • Every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God
  • All spirit spouses and sexual spirits of incubus and succubus
  • Spirits of perversion, including the Moabite and Ammonite spirits of lust
  • Every spirit of divorce, covetousness, lust and covenant breaking spirits
  • All sexual sin that I have been involved with in my past
  • Every homosexual relationship, spirit of perversion and sexual encounter with the opposite sex
  • Any agreement, allowance or allegiance to the LGBTQ community
  • Fornication, masturbation, pornography, perversion, fantasy, homosexuality and adultery
  • Demonic encounters, astral projection, lucid dreaming, new age practices and yoga that would draw seducing and sexual spirits to me
  • Work husband and work wife spouses that I have set up in the workplace outside my marriage
  • The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life
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  • The fire of God to burn out all unclean lust and unrighteous living from my life
  • The spirit of holiness in my life to walk in sexual purity with clean hands and a pure heart
  • My body is a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God
  • I am crucified with Christ
  • My body parts are the members of Christ
  • I will not allow myself to become one with the harlot
  • I do not let sin reign in my body, and I will not obey its lust
  • My body members are mortified
  • I have authority over my memory and thoughts and bind all spirits of fantasy and lustful thinking
  • I am an overcomer of the world through the power of Holy Spirit

Breaking ungodly sexual soul ties is impossible without the help of our savior Jesus Christ. We are not powerful enough in our own strength to do it by ourselves. Jesus loves us and promises to deliver us from the enemies of our souls. Sexual sins are an enemy against our soul and designed to take you on a spiral path downward into the pits of hell. I offer you abundant life, joy, peace and the love of the Savior.



Are you outside the ark of safety today and would like to receive the salvation of Jesus Christ?  Pray this simple prayer right where you are today. Don’t wait, accept Jesus Christ Today.

Today Is The Day of Salvation


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  1. Anonymous

    What happens if your partner has slept with many persons and you have 3 children from this person do you consider the innocent children and stay on in the relationship for the children’s sake to give the children stability in life or do you run from this nightmare if you feel trapped after coming to terms with the truth on both sides of the coin ?

    1. Editor


      That answer is not the same for each relationship or situation. Are you and your partner married?

  2. D

    If I truly repent can God forgive me from my past sexual sins and break down the soul ties?

    1. Editor


      Thank you for reaching out. The answer to your question is Yes. God is both willing and able to forgive you from your past sexual sins and free you from all ungodly sexual soul ties. You must be willing to confess your sins and be made whole just as the scripture says. 1 John 1:9 says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

      God’s word is true and we can depend on Him to do just what He says He will do. Trust Him to forgive, heal and restore you back unto Himself. We will be praying both your healing and your deliverance in Jesus mighty name.


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