Royal Girlz Ministry Unmasking The Jezebel Spirit On Joni Table Talk

Unmasking The Jezebel Spirit


  1. pastor imran samuel

    That's awesome this is great sermon for churches i know the evil spirits of sex are moving in the churches so that we need to fight the evil power we have to find our prayer partner as prayer warrior .
    pray for our churches GBU

  2. Deborah Davis

    I think many Christians are afraid to write their testimonies or problems because they are ashamed. But Jesus says we are all sinners; that He came for the sinner, NOT the righteous. We may not have completed any tangible acts, but if we carry them out in our hearts, then they are sin. The good news is, we came come to Jesus just as we are. We can ask Him for forgiveness and He forgives and washes us clean through His blood. He is the only way we can approach the Heavenly Father. He is the only man who died for our sins and rose again and makes intercession for us even now. I have had many supernatural encounters God allowed me to experience. I didn't ask for them and was surprised when they happened. But He didn't allow them to happen so I could boast of my super spirituality. He allowed them so I could tell people that He is real; Heaven is real; hell is real; Jesus died for our sins. And Jesus is the only One who should get the glory for anything that happens in our lives. It isn't us. It is Jesus living in and working through us. I'm at a point in my life that I want to share my experiences; and am remembering many things. I listen to the testimonies of others and realize that it isn't a spiritual competition to see who "experienced the most extraordiary." God is using them to tell others because God does not want to see anyone go to hell for eternity. And the only way God can get across the realities of His supernatural is through the voices of men and women who share what He has shown them. And Jesus Christ gets all the honor and glory! Not man. The Holy Spirit lives in us and works through us. And throughout all eternity, we will be praising Jesus and thanking Him for his sacrificial death on the cross that brought us to God and cleansed us with His blood. One day, I may begin writing my experiences to urge people to realize this is truth! That time is of the essence. We don't know when we will draw our last breath. God knows. He says all the hairs of our head are numbered. Don't be ashamed to ask for prayer or confess your sins. The church is just that: sinners who came to Jesus. Nothing is new under the sun. Jesus takes us just as we are. May God bless all who read this. And may Jesus get the honor and glory of all I say or do in this life for Him.

  3. Royal Girlz Editor

    Hello Deborah,

    Thank you for sharing your comments with our Royal Girlz readers. As I read your comment, I can feel your passion for wanting to share what God has revealed to you by His Spirit. We are praying for you and encouraging you to move out on that. Our time here is getting short and whatever God has for you to do…Do It Now! Don't wait. Sometimes we believe that we have to have a large platform to share what God is doing with others, and the only platform we need is Jesus. When we open our mouths He will fill it and give us what to say by His Holy Spirit. Be encouraged my sister and as you begin to share your testimony and experiences with others, may it truly be a blessing to others and may it draw many to the salvation of Jesus Christ.

    Be Blessed,

    Royal Girlz

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Royal Girlz Editor


Kimberly has a passion to prophesy to the lost souls that sit in darkness and the captives bond in the prisons. To see souls saved, delivered and set free from every form of bondage and captivity is her desire. By speaking the truth of God's Holy Word, Kimberly seeks to bring healing and deliverance to those that sit in spiritual darkness by introducing them to the glorious light of the world which is on found only in Jesus Christ.

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