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Last Updated on January 12, 2021 by Editor
When I woke up this morning, I heard the voice of the Lord say read Job 18. I felt an intense sense of urgency in that word as I could feel that the spirit of death was connected to it. What I read was frightening as I thought about all that is going on in our world today, especially within the United States of America. This is the fate of the wicked and evil man! This is the fate of our wicked leaders and law makers who have turned their backs on God. As prophesied in our Royal Girlz Ministry Prophetic Word For 2021, this is the year of increased WOES!!!
This Is The Fate of The Wicked and Evil Man
“Yes, the light of those who are evil will go out.
Their fire will stop burning.
The light in their houses will become dark.
The lamps next to them will go out.
Their steps, once strong and fast, become weak.
Their own evil plans make them fall.
And their own feet lead them into a net.
They fall into its hidden pit and are caught.
A trap catches them by the heel, and it holds them tight.
A rope is hidden on the ground to trip them.
And a trap is waiting in their path.
On every side terrors frighten them.
Fears follow every step they take.
Disaster is hungry for them.
Ruin stands close by, waiting for them to fall.
Diseases will eat away their skin.
Death itself will eat their arms and legs.
They will be taken away from the safety of their tents and be led away to meet death, the king of terrors.
Nothing will be left in their tents, which will be sprinkled with burning sulfur.
Their roots below will dry up, and their branches above will die.
People on earth will not remember them.
Their names will be forgotten.
They will be forced from light into darkness.
And they will be chased out of this world.
They will leave behind no children, no descendants.
None of their people will be left alive.
People in the west will be shocked at what happened to them.
People in the east will be numb with fear.
This is what will happen to the homes of those who are evil.
This is the place of those who don’t know God!”
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