The Perfect Season For Moving

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Today In our Lifestyle and Family & Home Category I want to discuss the topic of moving. I know it’s a topic most people don’t like to talk about, but we have some tips that will make it easier for you when your time comes. Just in my neighborhood alone I have seen so many people in transition and moving. People move at all times of year and for many reasons, but what exactly is the perfect season for moving? Who can say when the right conditions will hit for you and you find your next dream house and move your stuff in.

The Perfect Season For Moving

Even so, there are also times of the year when it’s just more opportune to be moving heavy things out of one house and into another. We’re pretty sure everyone can agree that winter is pretty awful for moving, and here in Michigan it is certainly not a fun task with our winters. With the freezing air, the frozen limbs, and the potential for crummy road conditions, moving is just plain unpleasant in winter.

Move in the summer or early fall, meanwhile, and you’re pretty much set as far as environmental conditions. Even if you’re moving somewhere that’s known for its winter activities–if you’ve picked up some real estate for sale in Whistler, for example–you should still move there in the summer. Don’t worry: all the skiing you could want will still be there for you in Whistler come wintertime. But for now, what are some of the best reasons to move house during the summer? Here are three of them.

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3 Reasons To Move In The Summer - Royal Girlz Ministry

3 Reasons To Move In The Summer

The Weather

The weather in summer is just a given if we’re discussing reasons to move in this season. The summer obviously brings with it no threat of cold or snow, so transportation will never be a problem.

As spring becomes summer, you also have less of a probability of rain, so you won’t have to worry about your precious property getting ruined by falling water. It’s pretty much all sunshine and warmth and perfect conditions for you to get moving!

More Real Estate Is Available

The summertime is a great time for moving also because of the amount of real estate you can find on the market. People are feeling pretty good about having made it through yet another winter and into the warmer, lighter months, so they tend to spend more time looking at houses after work and on weekends.

This is why many sellers work to get their houses on the market by summer: because they know the buyers will be there. If you know a move is coming for you and your family, just wait until summer, and then you’ll start to see the range of houses crop up in your area. When you find one, spring for it!

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Kids Have More Freedom

A final reason to move houses in summer is because kids are out of school for the season. If you do find a house and need to move, there’s no risk of uprooting your kids’ school schedules or disrupting their lives when they have studies to worry about.

The Perfect Season For Moving - Royal Girlz Ministry

Think of how distracted your kids could become if you made them shift houses in January, when there is still so much school to go. There was a time when we were in a season of transition and we had to move while school was in session. The move made it very difficult for my children to adjust. By moving in the summer, you make it convenient for your kids to adjust to the change, meet new neighborhood friends and get ready for a great new school year.

Overall, there’s just no comparison: summer is the best season to move, so the next time you have to do it, do yourself a favor and wait for the warmth.

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Kimberly has a passion to prophesy to the lost souls that sit in darkness and the captives bond in the prisons. To see souls saved, delivered and set free from every form of bondage and captivity is her desire. By speaking the truth of God's Holy Word, Kimberly seeks to bring healing and deliverance to those that sit in spiritual darkness by introducing them to the glorious light of the world which is on found only in Jesus Christ.

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