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Last Updated on September 16, 2021 by Editor
The mark of the beast scanner is here and will only get more advanced in the years to come. This is an open door implementing the beast system into our world. all through the word convenience. The use of biometric authentication is ushering our society right into the Babylonian system all through the word “convenience.”
The Mark of The Beast Scanner
Biometric Authentication is a type of system that relies on the unique biological characteristics of individuals to verify identity for secure access to electronic systems.
What Are The Types Of Biometric Authentication?
- Palm Scanning
- Voice Recognition
- Facial Identification
- Finger Vein ID
- Iris Recognition
- Finger Scanning
What Are The Dangers Of Biometric Authentication?
We have become a people where we want everything quick, fast and in a hurry. Our lack of patience in society has created a market for such tools such as palm scanners, electronic tattoos and chip implants. These are some of the vehicles being used now that will later make it easier for people to accept having a number issued by the government or a world leader to monitor your every move. Your body will literally belong to someone or something else that controls and manipulates you through the system.
It may sound like an out of this world sci-fi movie that you think will never come to pass, but the truth is the mark of the beast scanner is already here, it’s already been implemented and people are already excited about the convenience of these tools that will usher in the mark of the beast spoken of in the Book of Revelation 13:11-18
The Bible speaks of this mark by saying that no one will be able to buy or sell without this mark given to them by this world leader or (beast). We are not saying that palm scanners are the Mark of the Beast, but it is certainly one of the vehicles that is being used to bring it to fruition.
Wake Up Bride
As the bride of Christ and the remnant, we must wake up and flee this Babylonian system that is being pushed so forcefully upon us. The mark of the beast is government prophecy which means it cannot be prayed away. It will and must happen in order to usher us into the second coming of Christ and the tribulation period. As believers, we must pray that the Lord will give us His wisdom, knowledge and understanding of how to move during these last days.
Whose Hand Will You Take God’s Or Satan’s?
So don’t worry [fear], because I am with you.
Don’t be afraid [dismayed], because I am your God.
I will support [uphold] you with my right hand that saves you
[or righteous right hand ;a symbol of power to save and protect]
With your right hand, Lord, you broke the enemy to pieces.
And I tell you, ‘Don’t be afraid! I will help you.’
Palm Scanners In The Schools
The Beast From the Earth
This beast stood before the first beast and used the same power the first beast had. He used this power to make everyone living on the earth worship the first beast. The first beast was the one that had the death wound that was healed.
The second beast did great miracles. He even made fire come down from heaven to earth while people were watching.
The Second Beast
The second beast also forced all people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to have a mark put on their right hand or on their forehead.
No one could buy or sell without this mark. (This mark is the name of the beast or the number of its name.)
Revelation 14:9-11
A third angel followed the first two angels. This third angel said in a loud voice,
“God will punish all those who worship the beast and the beast’s idol and agree to have the beast’s mark on their forehead or on their hand.
They will drink the wine of God’s anger. This wine is prepared with all its strength in the cup of God’s anger. They will be tortured with burning sulfur before the holy angels and the Lamb. And the smoke from their burning pain will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest, day or night, for those who worship the beast and its idol or who wear the mark of its name.”