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Last Updated on September 14, 2021 by Editor
Today in our money and finances category I want to discuss the importance of financial freedom. As Kingdom citizens, it is very important that we understand how to manage our finances. Many believers feel that after they pay their tithe, then that’s it. Well it’s not! As responsible men and women of God, we can’t just squander the remaining 90% Godblessed us with however and on whatever we want. This way of thinking will leave you both penniless and uncovered when the storms of life come.
Most people have found themselves in a financial crisis at some point in their lives. It’s hard to know how to navigate yourself out of it without the proper help. Instead of reaching up for a life line, most people borrow more and more and get deeper into debt. Eventually, they drown in a sea of bills and IOU’s. One thing you never want to do is to drown yourself in debt. The word of God tells us in Proverbs that the one who borrows is a slave to the one who lends. Who wants to be a slave to bills and debt? I have been in this position more times than I want to admit, and believe me it’s no fun!

Get Help for Your Financial Problems
How many times do you think about going on a vacation, but can’t because you don’t have the finances. Or how many times do you want to bless someone or send a gift only to realize you don’t have the extra funds to do it. It’s times like this when we want to cry out HELP!!! One of the ways we can gain our financial freedom back is to receive help from a debt counselor.
According to the Federal Trade Commission, a debt counselor is one, who advises the consumers on money and debt management, instructs them on how you might benefit from credit counseling. They help you to develop a budget and offer free educational material and workshops to help you solve your financial problems.
My First Lesson In Credit
My first lesson in credit was a hard one to learn. I remember being so excited to go off to school, out of state and away from my parents… woohoo! There was so much for me to do and so many decisions I could make on my own so when I saw the credit card recruiters offering me a way to buy new shoes, makeup and clothes for the parties, I thought to myself this is the life.
Thinking I was wise (in my own eyes) I signed up for the first shiny gold credit card they offered to me. That card happened to be an American Express. Not knowing an American express was a charge card that needed to be payed off each month and not a credit card, I felled miserably to meet the payments. This was the beginning of a journey of bad credit and I hadn’t even turned 21 yet!
Needless to say, over the years I restored my credit and it felt great! You want to be in a great financial position when it comes time to buy a new car or your first home, or for that matter anything you want to do in life. It’s important for us to be delivered not just in our spiritual lives but in our natural lives as well. To be free and delivered from debt is one of the best feelings in the world.
Get Financial Freedom Debt Relief
The scriptures tell us to let love be our only debt that we owe to people. That debt I can and will always want to pay. Any debt outside of love is bondage and will cause you to live a life outside of the joy and peace that you were created to live. I hope I was able to help you today by understanding the importance of financial freedom. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, there are steps you can take. To learn more, talk to an advisor today and get back on the road to financial freedom and peace of mind.