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Teach Your Children God’s Word

Teach Your Children God's Word

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As believers it’s importance to teach your children God’s Word and ordinances. God gave instructions to the children of Israel to not only remember the ways in which He delivered the, but to share those stories with their children also. When we teach our children the ways of God, we are instilling in them at an early age how to love, respect and trust in the Lord.

The Lord is instructing us as parents to teach your child God’s word and even the grandparents to teach their grandchildren the word of God. When we follow the Lord’s command in this, we set up generational blessings for our families. Our children will learn to obey the Lord and walk in the blessings of the Lord forever.

AOP’s Award-Winning Homeschool Resources
LIFEPAC� Bible Doctrine Set - Teach Your Children God's Word

Parents Teach Your Children God’s Word

Deuteronomy 4:5-10

“I taught you the laws and rules that the Lord my God commanded me. I did this so you could obey them in the land you are ready to enter and take for your own. Obey these laws carefully. This will show the people of the other nations that you are wise and sensible. They will hear about these laws and say, ‘Truly, the people of this great nation are wise and sensible.’

The Lord our God is near when we ask him to help us. No other nation has a god like that! And no other nation is great enough to have laws and rules as good as the teachings I give you today. But you must be careful! Be sure that as long as you live you never forget what you have seen. You must teach these things to your children and grandchildren.

Remember the day you stood before the Lord your God at Mount Horeb. The Lord said to me, ‘Gather the people together to listen to what I have to say. Then they will learn to respect me as long as they live on earth. And they will teach these things to their children.’




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