Moses was instructed by God to tell the people to teach your children and grandchildren about God and His laws. These laws consisted of the 10 commandments. Even though the …

Her mouth speaks wisdom and loving instruction is on her tongue
Moses was instructed by God to tell the people to teach your children and grandchildren about God and His laws. These laws consisted of the 10 commandments. Even though the …
Jesus Warns About Offending Children Jesus loves children and He told us to not forbid them to come to Him. As parents we should train our children up in the …
Children Come And Listen To Your Father This is a wonderful passage that admonished sons and daughters to obey their parents in the Lord. In this division of Psalms, we …
As believers it’s importance to teach your children God’s Word and ordinances. God gave instructions to the children of Israel to not only remember the ways in which He delivered …