Jezebel Spirit Books For Training As I was being trained years ago in intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare, I came across the Jezebel Spirit on many occasions. I found it …

Her mouth speaks wisdom and loving instruction is on her tongue
Jezebel Spirit Books For Training As I was being trained years ago in intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare, I came across the Jezebel Spirit on many occasions. I found it …
Characteristics of the Jezebel In The Church The Jezebel spirit will always have followers or what she likes to call her children. The children of Jezebel are just as dangerous …
Who Was Jezebel? The Bible introduces us to Jezebel as the powerful & manipulating wife of King Ahab. She was the daughter of King Ethbaal of the Sidonians, which means …
Prayer of Deliverance From Jezebel We have received several request over the years for prayer for deliverance from the Jezebel spirit. It is truly a topic that many people want …
Jezebel Spirit Control and Manipulation Common strategies that Satan uses against us through the Jezebel Spirit is control and manipulation. This demonic spirit’s ultimate goal is to control and rule …