The Jezebel Spirit Is Defeated The Jezebel spirit defeat and release is coming to God’s people. God’s children will be released from Jezebel’s traps and captivity. This is what the …

Her mouth speaks wisdom and loving instruction is on her tongue
The Jezebel Spirit Is Defeated The Jezebel spirit defeat and release is coming to God’s people. God’s children will be released from Jezebel’s traps and captivity. This is what the …
Characteristics of the Jezebel In The Church The Jezebel spirit will always have followers or what she likes to call her children. The children of Jezebel are just as dangerous …
Prayer of Deliverance From Jezebel We have received several request over the years for prayer for deliverance from the Jezebel spirit. It is truly a topic that many people want …
Jezebel Spirit Control and Manipulation Common strategies that Satan uses against us through the Jezebel Spirit is control and manipulation. This demonic spirit’s ultimate goal is to control and rule …