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Last Updated on February 17, 2025 by Editor
The True Church Stands Firm Originally Posted: January 25, 2016
On Tuesday January 19, 2016, the Lord gave me a two-part dream that I was told to share with the Body of Christ. The Lord typically speaks to me through visions, but there are times when speaks to me through dreams that are very vivid and prophetic. On this particular night, He gave me a two-part dream, which has never happened to me before. After the first part of the dream ended, I woke up, went back to sleep and went into Part 2 of the dream. I knew in my spirit that it was the continuation of events that were soon to come after Part 1.
Publish It!
When the dream was completed and I woke up, the Lord instructed me to write it down. After I wrote it down, the Lord then instructed me to go back and read the Book of Jeremiah. Upon reading it, I wept for the state of the church and for our nation. Everything that was shown to me within these two prophetic dreams was confirmed in His Word.
I asked the Lord what He wanted me to do with this dream and word He had shown me and He said, “Tell my people! Publish it!” In obedience, I posted the dream on our Royal Girlz Blog and I also sent it to Z3 News End-Time News Before It Happens and it was published on their website by James Bailey.
Recently, I was instructed by the Lord to keep this dream posted on the front of our Royal Girlz Ministry website, where the people could read the vision and consider the things that the Lord has shown. During the Coronavirus Pandemic In 2020, the Lord reminded me of this dream. When I came back to read it, I am astonished at how closely everything we were going through, and currently going through parallels to this dream.
Now, as I am reposting this dream for the readers, I can say that were are only seconds away from entering into Part 2 of this dream as the Ekklesia – The True Church Stands Firm.
Write The Vision
I will stand like a guard and watch.
I will wait to see what the Lord will say to me.
And I will wait and learn how he answers my questions.
The Lord answered me, “Write down what I show you.
Write it clearly on a sign so that the message will be easy to read.
This message is about a special time in the future.
This message is about the end, and it will come true.
Just be patient and wait for it.
That time will come; it will not be late.
This message cannot help those who refuse to listen to it, but those who are good will live because they believe it.
Prophetic Dream Part 1 – Enter Your Chambers And Shut Your Doors
In this part of the dream, I was driving one of my daughters somewhere. When we got out the care we were in my childhood neighborhood in Detroit on the street where I grew up. When we got out the car to walk to our destination, we looked toward the sky and we could see what looked like a tornado coming. This tornado was different in appearance though because it looked like a wrecking ball or a round cylinder ax of some sort.
We could see this tornado was still afar off, like as far off as another country. I recall saying that “I felt so sorry for the people in that area where it was hitting.” Although we knew it was still afar off, we saw it getting closer and closer to us. We thought we still had time to get to where we were going and get back in time before it reached us.
In my spirit I knew it was coming to our country as well. In my mind I was thinking “We’ve never been hit to that degree before, so it will probably miss us here in the United States.”
A Storm Is Coming
We went to our destination and as we were walking back to our car to leave, the tornado had already reached our location. This tornado had such a powerful and destructive wind that when it hit, it shredded and destroyed everything in its path. My daughter and I were able to run and take cover in my old childhood house.
When we got inside, we closed the door behind us. I saw my mother inside the house and she was at such peace. We looked at her in terror and said “Mom do you see what’s going on outside!” She replied “No, what’s going on?” I said “It’s destruction everywhere! A storm just hit us and it’s destroying everything outside. I can’t believe you didn’t hear anything.”
When the storm had passed over, I opened the door to show her what had occurred. There was destruction and devastation everywhere. We noticed that none of the homes or the people inside the homes had been destroyed only the things that were left out in the street. We began to see other neighbors open their doors and step outside into the street with amazement on their faces.
Scripture Reference:
Isaiah 26:20-21
Go into your houses, my people, and shut the door behind you. Hide yourselves for a little while until God’s anger is over. The Lord is coming from his heavenly dwelling place to punish the people of the earth for their sins. The murders that were secretly committed on the earth will be revealed, and the ground will no longer hide those who have been killed.
Prophetic Dream Part 2 – The Earthquake, Separation & War
I woke up from the first dream; I fell asleep again and was taken into part 2 of the dream. In part 2 of this prophetic dream, it was just a normal sunny day outside. I recall knowing that something major had already occurred in the land, and I could feel an awareness and slight anxiety. In this dream, I saw all the women of my immediate family. Interestingly, I never saw my husband or any male family members throughout this dream.
All the women of my family were out shopping on this beautiful sunny day and just going about our day as usual. Seemingly out of nowhere, a powerful earthquake violently shook the earth. Everyone across the entire land felt it. I looked up to discover that somehow our family had become separated from one another. I was with one of my daughters while my mother was separated with my youngest daughter, while yet another daughter had been separated from everyone completely.
The beautiful sunny day had turned into a state of chaos, panic and shock. People were screaming, crying and running around trying to find their family members and pets. People’s faces were covered with dark soot, many were badly injured and some had been killed.
Scripture Reference:
Hebrews 12:26-29
When he spoke before, his voice shook the earth. But now he has promised, “Once again I will shake the earth, but I will also shake heaven.” The words “once again” clearly show us that everything that was created will be destroyed—that is, the things that can be shaken. And only what cannot be shaken will remain. So we should be thankful because we have a kingdom that cannot be shaken. And because we are thankful, we should worship God in a way that will please him. We should do this with respect and fear, because our God is like a fire that can destroy us.
A Nation Under Attack
As my daughter and I began to look for the rest of the family, we looked up and saw planes flying overhead releasing bombs over the land. I had a knowing in the dream that these planes were either from China or North Korea, but I wasn’t for sure which country. What I knew for sure was that the United States of America was now under attack. As the bombs were dropping we were running trying to escape this foreign enemy attack. Again, by the grace of God we were able to escape the destruction.
The Spiritually Blind, Deaf & Mute
My daughter and I were going throughout the city trying to find our family members. We passed by so many people that were lost and hurting. We went down this particular street that seemed to be a bit different from the others. I saw a woman standing off to the side of the street ministering to a group of people. As we approached the group, I noticed that she was teaching the group from the Bible.
Listening to her teaching, I realized that she was not teaching anything relevant to what was going on around us. It was almost as if they were in a totally different world from us. The people’s faces looked dazed and unaware like they were in a zombie state. They acted as if they had no idea as to what was currently going on all around us.
The people walking by on the street were hurting and desperate for help. They were looking for hope, but couldn’t find it. A righteous indignation came over me and I got so frustrated with the teaching of this woman. This group was not prepared for what had come. They were certainly not in a place to help others to know and understand.
The Blind Leading The Blind
As I stood there listening to this woman teach, I looked to the left, and in the sky I could see words being written in the clouds. I shouted to everyone
“Do you all see that?” Do you see that writing in the sky? The woman stepped out, looked up in the sky and said “Oh I didn’t see that. What is it?” I said “God is speaking, it’s from the Book of Jeremiah; read what He’s saying!” The words were from the Book of Jeremiah but there were also some of the words written in red.
Scripture Reference:
Jeremiah 4:3-9
The Lord is saying to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Plow up the hardness of your hearts; otherwise the good seed will be wasted among the thorns. Cleanse your minds and hearts, not just your bodies, or else my anger will burn you to a crisp because of all your sins. And no one will be able to put the fire out.
Shout to Jerusalem and to all Judea, telling them to sound the alarm throughout the land. “Run for your lives! Flee to the fortified cities!” Send a signal from Jerusalem: “Flee now, don’t delay!” For I the Lord am bringing vast destruction on you from the north. A lion—a destroyer of nations—stalks from his lair; and he is headed for your land. Your cities will lie in ruin without inhabitant. Put on clothes of mourning and weep with broken hearts, for the fierce anger of the Lord has not stopped yet. In that day, says the Lord, the king and the princes will tremble in fear; and the priests and the prophets will be stricken with horror.
Discerning The Time and Season
After the woman read it, she said “What does it mean?” I looked at her in amazement because I couldn’t believe that she was a minister of the Word, but had no understanding of the meaning of it. She had no understanding of the time or season in which we were living in.
After reading it, she went back over to the group and continued in her previous teaching. The people she was teaching were yet in a spiritual daze. As I looked at the group and the woman ministering to them, I realized this was all for show. The minister and the group were out in the streets appearing like they had a word that could help others, but it was only an outward show. They had no power to help others or themselves for that matter. Sadly they were not able to discern the time and season in which we were in. My daughter and I just walked away.
Scripture References:
Jeremiah 4:19-22
My heart, my heart—I writhe in pain; my heart pounds within me. I cannot be still because I have heard, O my soul, the blast of the enemies’ trumpets and the enemies’ battle cries. Wave upon wave of destruction rolls over the land, until it lies in utter ruin; suddenly, in a moment, every house is crushed. How long must this go on? How long must I see war and death surrounding me?
“Until my people leave their foolishness, for they refuse to listen to me; they are dull, retarded children who have no understanding. They are smart enough at doing wrong, but for doing right they have no talent, none at all.”
The Resting Place
We walked away the group, and my daughter found a friend that she knew. This friend began walking along with us as we were still watching out. We were still trying to locate our other family members as we walked throughout the streets of chaos and devastation. We came up on another street where I could see what looked like a bus stop. Even though it looked like a bus stop, I kept hearing the word “train” in my dream. The bus/train stop was connected to this tall building that stood directly behind it.
The stop had a resting area where people were able to just sit and rest. The area was enclosed and had a covering overhead and a glass protector in front of it. There were people sitting there as they looked out, hoping to see their loved ones pass by. I looked inside the waiting area and to my surprise, I saw my mother and youngest daughter. We were so excited to be reunited again.
Train Up A Child
We all sat there watching out for my other daughter to walk by. As I looked out, I had an open vision in which I was able to see my daughter. I could see that she was a little injured from the earthquake, but she was fine. The Lord showed me her serving and providing aid to other people who needed assistance. A sense of peace came over me and I knew she would be okay. The Lord said because you prepared her when she was young for this very hour, she was not caught unaware and she is now able to help others.
Build On A Sure Foundation
Even though we knew she was fine, we sat there waiting for her to walk by at some point. As we sat there, I noticed a woman dressed in white and a few others walking around the waiting area. They were watching and observing everyone coming into the waiting area. After a while, the woman walked up to us and said “Come with me you are invited in.” We followed the woman into the tall building that connected to the waiting area. When we went inside the building we saw that it was a church.

Servants of The Lord
The woman said I’ve been watching your family and examining your spirits to see if I could invite you in. We had to ensure that you were not a thief, robber or troublemaker. She led us through the church onto different floors and levels. You could see all the provision that had been prepared for the people who were invited in.
People were walking around serving and preparing for those who had been invited in. There were many floors and rooms full of food and provision as well as rooms where you could rest. The thing I noticed most was there was unity among the servers and all the people within the church. We also saw areas that we too wanted to serve in as well.
As we walked through the church, I passed by a window that you could look out and see the waiting area. and the people walking by on the street. I noticed that it was a one sided window where we could outside, but those outside could not see us as clearly. When I looked out the window there was another great shaking that occurred. But in the midst of the shaking the church never moved and it stood firm.
Prophetic Dreams Interpretation:
In neither of these two prophetic dreams did I see any of the men that would typically be around to cover us physically or spiritually. I didn’t see my husband, brother, uncles, or any spiritual leaders that are currently in my life. Holy Spirit revealed to me that in that time we will not be able to depend on human strength or our natural coverings. We will only find our protection and peace in God alone. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be the one who covers and protects us, not man.
Some of the words written in the sky were in red. It was explained to me that this was to show that God is bringing the old and the new covenants together, and the red letters represented Jesus speaking. Many people feel that the old testament is no longer relevant to our lives, but it is. Much of the old testament prophets spoke of things that would occur in the end times and you can line up old testament prophecy with new testament prophecy. Christ did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. All things are fulfilled and restored through Jesus Christ.
Don’t Forget About The Children
The word “train” I heard was to remind me to train my children in the word of God. As we go up in the Lord we must never forget about our children. We must train them in the things of the Lord so they too can enter into the Holy places of God. The word of God tells to let the children come to Jesus and don’t try to stop them.
The woman in white and the others walking around in the waiting area were angels. The woman and others were sent by God to invite us into the House of God. The waiting area represented the outer court. Our invitation into the church building represented us moving into the inner court and the Holy of Holies. There was protection for the ones who sat in the waiting area, but in that place we were still close enough to the world where we could feel the winds and storms hitting. The Lord is saying, “Come in and come up higher My people. I will protect you from the storm and from the wrath of my judgement.”
Prophetic Dreams Reference Scriptures:
Jeremiah 18:15-16
Because my people hath forgotten me, and have burnt incense to vanity, and their prophets have caused them to stumble in their ways from the ancient ways, to walk in the paths and way that is not trodden, to make their land desolate, and a perpetual derision, so that everyone that passeth thereby, shall be astonished and wag his head.
Matthew 3:10
And already the axe [of God’s judgment] is swinging toward the root of the trees; therefore, every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
Revelation 18:6-8
Pay her back as she herself has paid back others, and repay her double for her deeds; mix a double portion for her in the cup she mixed. As she glorified herself and lived in luxury, so give her a like measure of torment and mourning, since in her heart she says, “I sit as a queen, I am no widow, and mourning I shall never see.’ For this reason, her plagues will come in a single day, death and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for mighty is the Lord God who has judged her.”
Prophetic Dreams Reference Scriptures:
Jeremiah 4:10-13
Then I, Jeremiah, said, “Lord God, you have tricked the people of Judah and Jerusalem. You said to them, ‘You will have peace.’ But now the sword is pointing at their throats!” At that time this message will be given to the people of Judah and Jerusalem: “A hot wind blows from the bare hills.
It comes from the desert to my people. Not like the gentle wind that is used to separate the grain from the chaff. It is a stronger wind than that,
and it comes from me. Now I will announce my judgment against the people of Judah.” Look! The enemy rises up like a cloud. His chariots look like a windstorm. His horses are faster than eagles. It will be very bad for us! We are ruined!
Prophetic Dreams Reference Scriptures:
Isaiah 26:20-21
Go into your houses, my people, and shut the door behind you. Hide yourselves for a little while until God’s anger is over. The Lord is coming from his heavenly dwelling place to punish the people of the earth for their sins. The murders that were secretly committed on the earth will be revealed. The ground will no longer hide those who have been killed.
Matthew 24:3-8
Later, Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives. His disciples came to him privately and said, “Tell us, when will all this happen? What sign will signal your return and the end of the world?” Jesus told them, “Don’t let anyone mislead you, for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’ They will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately. Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come.
Prophetic Dreams Reference Scriptures:
Joel 3:16
The Lord roars from Zion, and sounds His voice from Jerusalem, and heaven and earth quake. But the Lord is a refuge for His people, and a stronghold for the children of Israel.
Jeremiah 1:14
Then the Lord said to me, “Out of the north the evil [which the prophets foretold as the result of national sin] will reveal itself and spill out on all the people of the land.
Jeremiah 50:28
People are running out of Babylon. They are escaping from that country and coming to Zion. They are telling everyone the good news about what the Lord is doing. The Lord our God is giving Babylon the punishment it deserves. The Lord is destroying Babylon, because it destroyed his Temple!
Prophetic Dreams Reference Scriptures:
Matthew 16:1-3
The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus. They wanted to test him. So they asked him to show them a miracle as a sign from God. Jesus answered, “When you people see the sunset, you know what the weather will be. If the sky is red, you say we will have good weather. And in the morning, if the sky is dark and red, you say that it will be a rainy day. These are signs of the weather. You see these signs in the sky and know what they mean. In the same way, you see the things that are happening now. These are also signs, but you don’t know their meaning.”
1 Chronicles 12:32
And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.
Prophetic Dreams Reference Scriptures:
Revelation 19:9-10
And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.” Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, “You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God.” For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
1 Corinthians 13:12
It is the same with us. Now we see God as if we are looking at a reflection in a mirror. But then, in the future, we will see him right before our eyes. Now I know only a part, but at that time I will know fully, as God has known me.
Test The Spirit of Prophetic Dreams and Visions
My brothers and sisters in Christ always test any prophetic word, dream or vision you hear with the Spirit of God. I have given you the interpretation that the Lord gave to me for these two prophetic dreams but I say to you to go to Him for yourself in regards to this dream just as I did. Ask the Lord to speak to your heart about what this means for you. I pray that in some way it was able to bless you, prepare you and even strengthen you in the days to come. Be encouraged Saints and remember that only the true church will stand firm when the shaking begins.
1 John 4:1
My dear friends, do not believe all who claim to have the Spirit, but test them to find out if the spirit they have comes from God. For many false prophets have gone out everywhere.
The Coronavirus Pandemic
I have revisited this dream since the Spring of 2020. The Lord was warning that the Coronavirus pandemic was coming. I think about this dream and the urgency in which the Lord told me to share it. As I think about Part 2 of this prophetic dream and line it up to where we are in the news, I do see war coming to this country. I pray that the Lord will impart His wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the times we are living in to His sons and daughters.