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Last Updated on April 21, 2020 by Editor

The word harbinger means “warning”. The harbingers are the beginning of God’s shaking of a nation. In Jonathan Cahn The Harbinger book, Rabbi Cahn shares the 9 harbinger warnings before God judges a nation. He always sends a warning first to give that nation time to humble themselves, repent and turn back to Him. There are nine harbingers of what happens after the first attack, if the nation refuses to turn back to God. These judgments are progressive, with periods of normalcy in-between, but continue if there is no national repentance.
Israel and America are the only two nations that God sovereignly planted as a light to the nations. “Those who laid America’s foundations saw it as a new Israel, an Israel of the New World. Just as the Israelites rebelled against God and refused to repent and turn back to Him, God allowed them to be attacked by their enemies the Assyrians – this was a warning from God to turn back to Him. Just as we as a nation have turned our backs on God and have refused to repent, our warning was 9/11. Even still, we yet to turn our hearts back to God and repent as a nation. Our nation welcomes abortions, homosexuality, same sex marriage, drunkenness, all kinds of perversion and every form of wickedness.
Instead of heeding to God’s call of repentance, just as ancient Israel did, America too ignored the warning and defied it by saying we will rebuild stronger and better than before.
Isaiah 9:10
“Yes, those bricks fell, but we will rebuild with strong stone. Yes, those little trees were chopped down, but we will plant new trees. And they will be large, strong trees.
Watch Jonathan Cahn The Harbinger Video
What Are The 9 Harbingers
The First Harbinger: The Breach
As In 732 B.C., the hedge of protection was removed and Israel’s enemies to invade the land and wreak havoc. The first harbinger or warning is the removal of the hedge. On September 11, 2001, America’s hedge of protection was removed with the breach in America’s security as a sign that God has lifted His protective hand.
The Second Harbinger: The Terrorist
It was the Assyrians that struck terror in the hearts of Israel. The danger against which the prophets had warned. And when, years later, Israel’s final judgment came, the Assyrians would again be the means through which it would happen. Just like Israel, the attack
on America was carried out by terrorists. The Assyrians were a Semitic people, children of the Middle East. As was the terrorists of the 9/11 attacks on America.
The Third Harbinger: The Fallen Bricks
The most visible signs of the attack on ancient Israel were that of the fallen buildings and the ruin heaps of fallen bricks. The third harbinger is the sign of the fallen bricks of the fallen buildings. On Sept 11, 2001, America watched as the buildings and the bricks fell from it’s most prestigious buildings. Even in that, America did not turn back to God.
The Fourth Harbinger: The Tower
Israel defiantly began rebuilding on the devastated ground, vowing to rebuild higher and stronger. So, too, in the wake of 9/11, American leaders vowed to rebuild at Ground Zero higher and stronger – the Tower begins to rise at Ground Zero.
The Fifth Harbinger: The Gazit Stone – We will rebuild with quarried stone
The Israelites carve out quarried stone from mountain rock and bring it back to the ground of destruction where clay bricks once stood. Three years after 9/11, a stone is quarried out of the mountain rock of New York. This massive stone was brought back to Ground Zero. In ancient Israel this stone became a misplaced embodiment of the nation’s confidence in its own power. So too the massive stone at Ground Zero became the symbolic cornerstone of the rebuilding. Public ceremonies accompanied the stone placement. Plans to rebuild Ground Zero would be frustrated for years. Eventually they would remove the stone from GZ altogether.
The Sixth Harbinger: The Sycamore – The Sycamores have been cut down
The attack on ancient Israel resulted in the striking down of the sycamore tree, a biblical sign of national judgment. The fallen sycamore is a sign of uprooting, a warning and, in ignoring the warning, it becomes a prophecy of judgment. On 9/11, as the North Tower fell it sent debris and wreckage which struck and uprooted an object – a sycamore tree growing at Ground Zero. The tree was made into a symbol and named The Sycamore of Ground Zero. When it fell in ancient Israel it prophesied the nation’s downfall and the end of its kingdom. What happens to America depends on if the warning is heeded.
The Seventh Harbinger: The Erez Tree – But we will plant cedars in their place
In their defiance of God, the Israelites replace the fallen sycamore with a Cedar tree. The cedar, being stronger than the sycamore becomes a symbol of the nation’s arrogant hope that it will emerge from the crisis stronger than before. The English name for this tree is “Cedar,” but the Hebrew word is “Erez.” Erez stands not only for cedar but for a conifer tree of the panacea family. In November of 2003, a tree was lowered at the corner of Ground Zero into the soil where the fallen sycamore once stood. The tree was a conifer, a panacea tree, the biblical Erez. A ceremony was held around the tree and it, too, became a symbol – entitled The Tree of Hope. There is always hope. A nation’s true hope is found only in returning to God.
The Eight Harbinger: The Utterance
The Eighth Harbinger was the public speaking of the ancient vow of defiance. For this harbinger to manifest, the vow would have to be spoken in the nation’s capital by a national leader, as it had been in ancient Israel. On Sept 11, 2004, every object mentioned in the prophecy of Isaiah 9:10 had manifested. The public utterance of the prophecy had to take place publicly, which happened on September 11, 2004 when VP candidate John Edwards, giving a speech in the capital city, quoted this exact scripture word for word in Wash., DC. Without realizing it, he was joining the two nations together and, without realizing it, pronouncing judgment on America. The ancient and the modern were bound together.
The Ninth Harbinger: The Prophecy
On Sept 12, 2001, the day after 9/11, America issues its official response to the attack. The one in charge of issuing the response was Tom Daschle, Senate Majority Leader. As he closes his speech he makes a declaration – he proclaims the ancient vow of defiance, word for word, to the world. By doing so he prophesies the nation’s future course, all of which comes to pass.
The Month of Elul
Significance: Time of reflection leading up to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Customs: Blowing the shofar (ram’s horn); asking people for forgiveness; reciting penitential prayers
Elul usually occurs in August–September. In the Jewish tradition, the month of Elul is a time of repentance in preparation for the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The word “Elul” means to search. Elul is seen as a time to search one’s heart and draw close to God in preparation for the coming Day of Judgement – Rosh Hashanah, and Day of Atonement -Yom Kippur
The custom of blowing the shofar serves as a wake-up call to sleepers, designed to rouse us from our complacency and is a call to repentance.The blasts are meant to awaken one’s spirits and inspire him to begin the soul searching which will prepare him for the High Holy Days. As part of this preparation, Elul is the time to begin the sometimes-difficult process of granting and asking for forgiveness