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Last Updated on March 2, 2021 by Editor
It was the Fall of 2008, shortly before the presidential election when I was given this dream from the Lord. When the Lord speaks to me, He typically speaks to me in open visions and not so much through dreams. This join the party prophetic dream was no ordinary dream and it was extremely vivid. When I came out of the dream, it was still so real to me. It was more than a dream, but more like a vision of what was to come.
Join The Party Prophetic Dream
In the dream I perceived that I was in Washington D.C. along with my mother and fiance. I recall being on what looked like a college campus, and I was standing afar off. On this campus, I saw crowds of people both young and old, men and women. There were all races and nationalities entering into the gates of this campus. At the entrance I saw a man who I perceived to be Barack Obama. He was standing at the gate entrance welcoming people as they entered the gates.
Inside the gates on this campus was a large party taking place for anyone who wanted to attend. No one was restricted from attending and everyone was welcome, in fact we were all encouraged to “join the party”. The noise, music and excitement of the party flowed out into the streets as if to almost hypnotize those who had not yet joined. I watched as more and more people entered the gates by the masses and joined the party.
I watched many people including Christians enter into the gates. Some of them I even recognized. As my family and I stood there observing what was taking place, those that we knew asked us “Are you coming?” I remember telling them firmly “No, we aren’t, this is not of God and we’re leaving town now!” They looked at us as if they couldn’t understand why we weren’t participating in the celebration. My spirit was so grieved at all the people who were being deceived into attending. It was almost as if they were in a drugged and intoxicated state of mind and was seduced by the hype of it all.
Come Out of Her
My family and I got in our car and began to drive away. As we were on the highway driving away from the city, we could still hear the music and noise of the celebration. It was then that I heard the loud sound of the heavy gates slamming shut. Immediately, as the gates shut close, all I could hear was the sounds of screaming and cries for help. It was coming from everyone who had joined the party.
There was an eerie laughter from the man who welcomed everyone to join and a look of satisfaction on his face. I could see fire coming from the city as we continued to dive away, but there was no way to turn back and help the people. In this dream I could feel the hurt for all the lost souls who had been deceived. We couldn’t save any of them, and it was too late.
When I awoke I was in such a state of panic and terror. This dream was so real that whenever I am reminded of it, it feels like I just had it last night. The Holy Spirit let me know that this was both an end time dream as well as a warning.
Scripture Reference
But maybe God does explain what he does but speaks in ways that people don’t understand.
He may speak in a dream, or in a vision at night, when people are in a deep sleep lying in their beds.
He may whisper something in their ear, and they are frightened when they hear his warnings.
God warns people to stop them from doing wrong and to keep them from becoming proud.
He does this to save them from death.
He wants to keep them from being destroyed.
Do Not Be Deceived
As I look at the state of our nation today I often think back to that vivid dream. I see so many people who have “joined the party”. I see the gates preparing to close, and I hear the Spirit saying leave Babylon while you still can! Leave behind the sin and abominations that dwell within her. Do not drink from the cup of her abominations! Run for your lives and flee!
Everyday our great nation is looking less like a Godly nation, but more and more like Mystery Babylon spoken of in Revelation 18. Isaiah 5:20 says “You are doomed! You call evil good and call good evil and you turn darkness into light and light into darkness. You make what is bitter sweet, and what is sweet you make bitter.”
Matthew 24:24
“For false Christs shall arise, and false prophets, and will do wonderful miracles so that if it were possible, even God’s chosen ones would be deceived.”
Many are being led today into deception and lies by following after ungodly governmental leaders, church leaders, doctrines of devils, doctrines of men, denominations, tradition, politicians, and even some friends and family. My prayer is that we as a people will humble ourselves, repent, seek God’s face and turn from our wickedness ways and follow hard after God. We must get in His Word and allow the truth of His Word to penetrate and flow through our entire being. Leave behind everything that is not like God so that we are not deceived in these last days.