It’s Time To Prepare For War

I Will Sing And Give Praise - Royal Girlz Ministry Daily Word

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In today’s daily word of God we read of the coming judgment upon the nations that have dealt treacherously with God’s people. God will judge and punish  the enemies of His people. The shout is going forth for all the nations to gather together because  it’s time to prepare for war!



“Yes, at that time I will bring back the people of Judah and Jerusalem from captivity.
I will also gather all the nations together.
I will bring all these nations down into Jehoshaphat Valley.
There I will judge them.
Those nations scattered my people, Israel.
They forced them to live in other nations,
So I will punish those nations.
They divided up my land and
they threw lots for my people.
They sold boys to buy a prostitute, and they sold girls to buy wine to drink.

“Tyre! Sidon! All of you areas of Philistia!
You are not important to me!
Are you punishing me for something I did?
You might think that you are punishing me, but I will soon punish you.

You took my silver and gold.
And you took my precious treasures and put them in your temples.

“You sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks.
That way you could take them far from their land.

You sent my people to that faraway place, but I will bring them back.
And I will punish you for what you did.

I will sell your sons and daughters to the people of Judah.
Then they will sell them to the faraway Sabeans.” This is what the Lord said.

It’s Time To Prepare For War

Announce this among the nations:
Prepare for war!
Wake up the strong men!
Let all the men of war come near.
Let them come up!

Beat your plows into swords.
Make spears from your pruning hooks.
Let the weak man say,
“I am a strong soldier.”
All you nations, hurry!
Come together in that place.
Lord, bring your strong soldiers.

Wake up, nations!
Come to Jehoshaphat Valley.
There I will sit to judge all the surrounding nations.
Bring the sickle, because the harvest is ripe.
Come, walk on the grapes, because the winepress is full.
The barrels will be full and spilling over, because their evil is great.


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