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Hear My Voice In My Morning Prayer

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Hear My Voice Morning Prayer Hear My Voice In My Morning Prayer

This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank you Lord for brand new mercies this morning as I come humbly before your presence. Lord hear my voice in my morning prayer to you as I come before your presence in holy reverence surrounded with Your love.

Lord, listen to me
and understand what I am trying to say.
My God and King,
listen to my prayer.
Every morning, Lord, I lay my gifts before you
and look to you for help.
And every morning you hear my prayers.

God, you don’t want evil people near you.
They cannot stay in your presence.
Fools cannot come near you.
You hate those who do evil.
You destroy those who tell lies.
Lord, you hate those who make secret plans to hurt others.

But by your great mercy, I can enter your house.
I can worship in your holy Temple with fear and respect for you.
Lord, show me your right way of living,
and make it easy for me to follow.
People are looking for my weaknesses,
so show me how you want me to live.

My enemies never tell the truth.
They only want to destroy people.
Their words come from mouths that are like open graves.
They use their lying tongues to deceive others.

Punish them, God!
Let them be caught in their own traps.
They have turned against you,
so punish them for their many crimes.

But let those who trust in you be happy forever.
Protect and strengthen those who love your name.
Lord, when you bless good people,
you surround them with your love, like a large shield that protects them.

Good Morning God Journal & Peaceful Candle - Quiet Time Gift Set

Good Morning God Journal & Peaceful Candle – Quiet Time Gift Set

Creating a space to spend time with the Lord is so important. This gift set is perfect to add to your own quiet time area or to bless a brother or sister in Christ.

Good Morning God – Prayer Journal – This beautiful prayer journal guides you to reflect on God’s promises as you write out your specific thoughts, ideas, and requests. With plenty of space to reflect on God’s goodness, you’ll find yourself looking forward to your morning coffee with God.

The Peaceful Sweet Caramel Vanilla and Essential Oil candle was inspired by Psalm 23:2 – He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads beside quiet waters. Each candle has a unique blend of essential oils to enhance the premium fragrance of the candles.

Peaceful – Sweet Caramel Vanilla + Essential Oils – Haven Soy Candle Collection – Everyone longs for a safe haven from life’s storms. God promises to be our Safe Haven. Psalm 43:2 – For you are God, my only Safe Haven. Take a deep breath and remember to be Grateful for His provision, to rest in the Serenity and Peacefulness that can only be found in Him, to be Courageous because He is with you and to remain Hopeful in His promises. Each of these candle names is a descriptor of God and His characteristic that we long to experience. In His presence we experience a Safe Haven. Use these candles to create a Haven in your home.

ALSO READ: An Evening Prayer To God

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