Guard Your Hearts And Minds

I Will Sing And Give Praise - Royal Girlz Ministry Daily Word

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Royal Girlz Daily Word – Guard Your Hearts And Minds

Did you know that our minds and our hearts are connected. The thoughts that we think can corrupt our hearts. Out of our mouths flow the issues of life. As believers it is important to guard your hearts and our minds from evil thoughts that can corrupt and penetrate our hearts. There are so many distractions in this world and they are growing more and more by the day. Distractions come to make us get off the path of righteousness.

We must keep our eyes focused and fastened on the Lord at all times that we don’t go to the left or the right. In today’s daily word, we see the importance of guarding our hearts and minds from life’s issues.

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Proverbs 4:22-24
Above all, be careful what you think because your thoughts control your life. Don’t bend the truth or say things that you know are not right. Keep your eyes on the path, and look straight ahead. Make sure you are going the right way, and nothing will make you fall. Don’t go to the right or to the left, and you will stay away from evil.


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