Whose table are you eating from? Eating from the Lords table means we are remembering and retelling the story of our Lord’s death. His body was broken for us and …

Her mouth speaks wisdom and loving instruction is on her tongue
Whose table are you eating from? Eating from the Lords table means we are remembering and retelling the story of our Lord’s death. His body was broken for us and …
Do you know that as a born again disciple of Christ, that you have power and authority over Satan. This power and authority to speak the name of Jesus makes …
When light comes in, it exposes every dark and hidden thing in our lives. The Word of God admonishes us to expose unfruitful works of darkness for what they are. …
What a testimony to the greatness of God. Just as the witches, warlocks and magicians did in the Book of Acts, you can burn your book of spells and incantations …
I will sing and give praise to the God of my salvation for He is greatly to be praised. I wanted to share this word with you on today to …
Today, I declare and decree that there is no peace with Jezebel”! As long as witchcraft and sexual immorality plague our homes. churches, workplaces, schools and government then we must …
As believers we must not neglect to encourage one another in the Lord. By encouraging our brothers and sisters in Christ, we help to strengthen one another’s faith that our …
Royal Girlz Ministry Daily Word ~ Trials Build Faith You may question why you have to go through so many tests, trials and tribulations in your life. The Word of …
God’s Law About Witchcraft God’s law about witchcraft is very simple. You shall not practice witchcraft or allow a woman who practices it to live. God hates witchcraft and tells …
God Forbids Witchcraft Many Christian have been tricked into believing that witches and the practice of witchcraft is not real. Witches, magicians, sorcerers and fortune tellers are all real. If …
In today’s daily word of God we are reading from the 2nd chapter of the Book of James where James gives us the command that love is the royal law …
Today we are beginning a new series with our Daily Word of God entitled The Promised Land. On day one of this series we read about the God given promises …
In today’s daily word we continue in the Book of James chapter 1, where we are taught the importance of listening and obeying the Word of God. As believers, we …
Today’s daily word of God comes from the first chapter of the Book of James. In this life, we encounter many troubles, trials and tribulations that test our faith. It …
Good Morning Royalty! As I was preparing to post our daily word for the day, I saw this particular post in my post to update and I heard the Spirit …
Today as we celebrate Purim 2022 I wanted to share this excerpt from the Book of Esther with you. In these passages we read about how our God brought forth …
This month on Royal Girlz Ministry, we will focus on love and knowing God through love. In today’s daily word of God, we read that not only does God love …
In today’s daily word of God we are in the Book of Ezekiel. In this particular passage, the Lord is giving His prophet Ezekiel in which we read that the …
Good evening Royal Girlz Family. I wanted to share a passage of scripture with you on tonight from Psalm 34. It talks about how the fear of the Lord will …
Today I wanted to share one of my favorite passages in the Bible with you. It comes from Hebrews 12. There is so much meat in this passage that it …
Today’s Daily Word of God is found in the Book of Revelation. I have found myself recently saying these words more and more come Lord Jesus come. Indeed the Lord …
This passage of scripture was laid on my heart to share with you today on our daily word. It came to me on yesterday to share this with you and …
Today’s daily word is a very important warning to rulers, presidents and world leaders. This word admonishes them to listen while there is time before the wrath of God comes …
Today’s daily word of God delivers God’s Good News to His people. We have been chosen to be a part of His Royal family and I encourage you today to …
In today’s daily word of God, we read where Jesus criticizes the religious leaders. He warns the people and His followers to heed to the word that the teachers of …