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Last Updated on January 30, 2023 by Editor
The Word of God promises us in the Book of Exodus that when you obey and serve the Lord, that He will bless your bread and your water. He goes a step further in that blessing to say that He will also remove sickness from you. On the other day, I received a link to a video from a close friend and it was confirmation of so much. Unfortunately I was not able to link to the video, but
I am very particular about the information that I share with our Royal Girlz readers, and only do so by the leading of The Holy Spirit. I understand that everyone is not at the same level spiritually, and many are yet living carnal lives and are only able to still drink milk. When presented with the spiritual meat of the word they tend to choke on it and spit it out. It is the same even with exposing the lies and deception of Satan today. Many people just refuse to believe that Satan has his agents and apostles working for him to bring forth the destruction of mankind.
Scripture References:
1 Corinthians 3:2-3
And the teaching I gave you was like milk, not solid food. I did this because you were not ready for solid food. And even now you are not ready. You are still not following the Spirit. You are jealous of each other, and you are always arguing with each other. This shows that you are still following your own selfish desires. You are acting like ordinary people of the world.
Please understand that the enemy is doing whatever he can to destroy mankind. The tampering of DNA is not new for Satan. The same was in Genesis when the angels rebelled, lusted after women upon the earth, had intercourse with them and brought forth giants from that illegal union. There is nothing new under the sun and history repeats itself. Satan is still looking for a way to mingle his seed with the seed of mankind and there are many who are the seed of Satan.
Your father is the devil. You belong to him. You want to do what he wants. He was a murderer from the beginning. He was always against the truth. There is no truth in him. He is like the lies he tells. Yes, the devil is a liar. He is the father of lies. “I am telling you the truth, and that’s why you don’t believe me.
I ask that you will pray about this information as you seek God for His wisdom, knowledge and understanding. In the name of Jesus I bind the Spirit of Error and loose the Spirit of Truth upon each and everyone who both reads and heeds to both this message and warning. May the Holy Spirit lead and guide you into all truth.
The Poison of a Cobra
There was a scripture that the Lord kept bringing before my spirit before 2020 and afterwards. In the past year, I was prompted in my spirit even the more to meditate on it again. This scripture is found in Psalm 140:3 In our Royal Girlz Ministry Prophetic Word for 2022 I told you we would be encountering more ancient spirits, paths and doors. This ancient spirit of the serpent along with his angels and workers are still seeking to deceive the whole world.
Revelation 12:9
And the great dragon was thrown-down— the ancient serpent, the one being called the devil and Satan, the one deceiving the whole world— he was thrown-down to the earth. And his angels were thrown-down with him.
Psalm 140:3
Their tongues are like deadly snakes; their words are like a cobra’s poison
Mark 16:17-19
And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
False Apostles and Prophets Will Arise
Whether the information in the above video link is accurate or not, the Word of God is always true. The Bible tells us that evil men and women will arise with the spirit of the serpent and many will claim to speak for God but are indeed apostles of Satan. The word of God tells us that in the last days many false prophets will come and cause many people to believe things that are wrong. There was a video clip of the Governor of New York that I wanted to share with our Royal Girlz readers. When I first saw this, it truly disturbed my spirit on so many levels. And immediately the scripture came to me in 2 Corinthians that spoke of the false apostles of Christ claiming to speak for God. As I was putting this post together, I was reminded of this video and the hiss of the serpent as it spoke in and through this servant.
2 Corinthians 11:12-15
And I will continue doing what I am doing now, because I want to stop those people from having a reason to boast. They would like to say that the work they boast about is the same as ours. They are false apostles, lying workers. And they only pretend to be apostles of Christ. That does not surprise us, because even Satan changes himself to look like an angel of light. So it does not surprise us if Satan’s servants make themselves look like servants who work for what is right. But in the end those people will get the punishment they deserve.
A Prayer For Help
O Lord, take me away from sinful men. Keep me safe from men who want to hurt others. They make sinful plans in their hearts. And they always start wars. They make their tongues sharp like a snake’s. And the poison of a snake is under their lips.
O Lord, keep me from the hands of the sinful. Keep me safe from men who want to hurt others and have planned to trip my feet. The proud have hidden a trap for me. With ropes they have spread a net. They have set traps for me beside the road. I said to the Lord, “You are my God. Listen to the voice of my prayers, O Lord. O God the Lord, the strength that saves me, You have covered my head in the day of battle. O Lord, do not give the sinful what they want. Do not let their plans work, or they will be honored.
“As for those who gather around me, may the wrong-doing of their lips come upon their heads. May burning coals fall upon them. May they be thrown into the fire, into deep holes, and rise no more. Do not let the man whose talking hurts people stand in the land. May trouble hurry to catch and destroy the man who wants to hurt others.”
I know that the Lord will stand by those who suffer and do what is right for the poor. For sure those who are right and good will give thanks to Your name. Those who are right will live with You.
Final Warning
We are living in perilous times among very evil and wicked men and women. Many are dressed like sheep but are indeed wolves and children of the devil seeking to do his work. The scriptures tell us for a reason that when we are serving the Lord and obedient to Him, that God will bless our bread, water and take sickness away from us. Now more than ever when you eat and drink ANYTHING, pray over it give thanks for it. Ask the Lord to bless it and remove any deadly thing from it. Remember Saints, we do not walk in fear, but instead faith. It’s time to declare the word of God over your life, your family, health and everything that God has given you in your territory and sphere. Let’s begin to declare and decree God’s word and stand in faith to His promises
Reference Scriptures
Exodus 23:25
So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you.
Exodus 23:25
So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you.
Sometimes though God does not take the sickness away. I prayed that scripture, Exodus 23:25, over a family member’s food for 3 years and they died from the original illness. It cannot be said that I didn’t pray enough or fast enough or have faith enough or confess all the sins I could think of enough. The idea that someone doesn’t get healed due to our hidden sin (which some people say is the reason prayer isn’t answered) or whatever else reason isn’t always the answer either. Sometimes God doesn’t heal a person and that is not the fault of them or due to sins of the people praying for them, etc.. Sometimes God’s answer is His grace, look at 2 Corinthians 12:9. His grace, which is His strength that He gives us, is sometimes His answer to keep the person going. This idea that God always heals isn’t true. His answers are different sometimes. You can stand on a scripture all day long and God may have other plans. We need to be flexible. In my case God did answer but again not how I, my family, wanted. We wanted total healing of our loved one but God gave His grace which extended their life well past the original doctors estimate, which was amazing, but the illness was what eventually ended their life. God showed me a couple months before the family member passed that in the future there were going to be many people that were/are going to walk away from God because their prayers were not answered how they wanted and their loved ones died. Their hearts will harden and they will shut themselves out of heaven due to unforgiveness towards God due to loved ones passing. And could I myself learn to, would I, still say “Though he slay me yet I will hope in him” (Job 13:15) or even still praise Him? I had a real life Bible lesson happening and a choice to make. So something good came out of it even though it was hard and sad to take (Genesis 50:20) when they passed. So this idea that God wants to heal and will heal every time if we just have enough faith I don’t think is always the case. It sets people up for failure when things don’t happen the way they hoped, or people don’t get healed and not die the way they hoped. And the enemy will pounce on the person and could aid in the person walking away from God when the healing doesn’t happen.
Amen! This is so very true. As we pray, stand in faith and trust that God’s sovereign will be done, we must always remember that He is in control and knows what is best. It doesn’t keep us from speaking and declaring His word over our lives and the lives of others, but in that we must trust Him that it will all work out for our good. Thank you for sharing your testimony and words of wisdom.
You’re welcome. God bless you and your ministry!