Be Wise In Your Behavior

The Book of Colossians - Be Wise In Your Behavior

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In today’s daily word of God, we are wrapping up the last chapter in Colossians. In Chapter 4, Paul states that as believers, you should be wise in your behavior towards non-Christians in the way that you treat them. He tells us that we are to speak pleasantly to them and be ready to give a proper answer to those who ask questions.

I find that so many times as believers we treat non-believers as less than us and not worthy of talking with them. We have to remember that we were once in the same place as they are…without Christ. We show the love of God when we treat non-beleivers with loving kindness and respect. When we are able to give them the truth of God’s word without being prideful, mean and haughty, it is then that they will see Christ in us and we can draw the world through our love and actions. Be encouraged Saints of God as you win souls to the Kingdom of Heaven!

Be Wise In Your Behavior Towards Non-Christians

Colossians 4

Remember, then, you employers, that your responsibility is to be fair and just towards those whom you employ, never forgetting that you yourselves have a heavenly employer.

Always maintain the habit of prayer: be both alert and thankful as you pray. Include us in your prayers, please, that God may open for us a door for the entrance of the Gospel. Pray that we may talk freely of the mystery of Christ (for which I am at present in chains), and that I may make that mystery plain to men, which I know is my duty.

Be wise in your behavior towards non-Christians, and make the best possible use of your time. Speak pleasantly to them, but never sentimentally, and learn to give a proper answer to every questioner.

Greetings And Farewell

Tychicus (a well-loved brother, a faithful minister and a fellow-servant of the Lord) will tell you all about my present circumstances. This is partly why I am sending him to you. The other reasons are that you may find out how we are all getting on, and that he may put new heart into you. With him is Onesimus one of your own congregation (well-loved and faithful, too). Between them they will tell you of conditions and activities here.

Aristarchus, who is also in prison here, sends greetings, and so does Barnabas’ cousin, Mark. I believe I told you before about him; if he does come to you, make him welcome. Jesus Justus, another Hebrew Christian, is here too. Only these few are working with me for the kingdom, but what a help they have been!

Epaphras, another member of your Church, and a real servant of Christ, sends his greeting. He works hard for you even here, for he prays constantly and earnestly for you, that you may become mature Christians, and may fulfil God’s will for you. From my own observation I can tell you that he has a real passion for your welfare, and for that of the churches of Laodicea and Hierapolis.

Luke, our beloved doctor and Demas send their best wishes.

My own greetings to the Christians in Laodicea, and to Nymphas and the congregation who meet in her house.

When you have had this letter read in your church, see that the Laodiceans have it read in their church too; and see that you read the letter I have written to them.

A brief message to Archippus: God ordained you to your work—see that you don’t fail him!

My personal greeting to you written by myself. Don’t forget I’m in prison. Grace be with you.



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