When The World Says No God Says Yes - HEED Ministry

Are You a Bucket or a Cup


  1. Rita

    Hi sis,

    When this concept was introduced to me by you, it opened my eyes and made me understand why things are not always equal when sharing your feelings, thoughts, ups and downs with others. So now, I accept my responsibility and do not question why as much. I am know longer looking for people to listen to me, or ask me how I am doing, or even show concern for me. I now know that those I am suppose to pour into may be few, but they are able to hold all my stuff; just as I have held much stuff that, others pour into me. Thanks for sharing and helping me to understand the different roles people have in my life.

  2. Rhonda

    Thanks for being my bucket!!!! Maybe for me that would be a barrel!! LOL


  3. Darnella

    Oh my God Ann,
    You have really out done yourself with this one. There is a certain amount of intuitiveness that goes along with pouring out your secrets and filling the buckets of others. We must know who has our best interest at heart. God always does but our earthly confidants may not. We should perhaps bear witness to others only when it provides a spiritual healing for both parties huh!!!!

    love ya

  4. Rainey

    Girl I'm so glad you r in my bucket.i got rid of all my cups long time ago.GOD IS GOOD .ii did keep one cup for my coffee in the morning. lOLLOL. Girl I love ya momma rainey

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Kimberly has a passion to prophesy to the lost souls that sit in darkness and the captives bond in the prisons. To see souls saved, delivered and set free from every form of bondage and captivity is her desire. By speaking the truth of God's Holy Word, Kimberly seeks to bring healing and deliverance to those that sit in spiritual darkness by introducing them to the glorious light of the world which is on found only in Jesus Christ.

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