40 Curses For Not Obeying God’s Laws

40 Curses For Not Obeying Gods Laws

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40 Curses For Not Obeying Gods Laws40 Curses For Not Obeying God’s Laws

On yesterday we shared the 28 blessings for obeying the word of God and the promises He gives to us through our obedience. Just as there are blessings for our obedience, there are also curses for our disobedience. This evening we will share the 40 curses for not obeying God’s laws. When we examine these 40 curses for not obeying God’s laws we can clearly see all of these curses upon our society today.

Scripture Reference

But if you don’t listen to what the Lord your God tells you—if you don’t obey all his commands and laws that I tell you today—then all these bad things will happen to you:

  1. The Lord will curse you in the city and in the field
  2. He will curse you with empty baskets and pans
  3. He will curse you, and you will not have many children
  4. The Lord will curse your land, and you will not have good crops
  5. The Lord will curse your animals, and they will not have many babies
  6. He will curse your calves and lambs
  7. He will curse you at all times in everything you do
  8. If you do evil and turn away from the Lord, he will make bad things happen to you.
  9. You will have frustration and trouble in everything you do.
  10. He will continue to do this until you are quickly and completely destroyed. He will do this because you turned away from him and left him.
  11. The Lord will send you terrible diseases until you no longer exist, until you are completely gone from the land.
  12. The Lord will punish you with diseases, fever, and swelling.
  13. He will send you terrible heat and you will have no rain.
  14. Your crops will die from the heat and disease.
  15. All these bad things will happen until you are destroyed!
  16. There will be no clouds in the sky—the sky will look like polished brass. And the ground under you will be hard like iron.  
  17. The Lord will not send rain—only sand and dust will fall from the sky. It will come down on you until you are destroyed.
  18. The Lord will let your enemies defeat you.
  19. You will go to fight against your enemies one way, but you will run away from them seven different ways.
  20. The bad things that happen to you will make all the people on earth afraid.
  21. Your dead bodies will be food for the wild birds and animals. There will be no one to scare them away from your dead bodies.
  22. The Lord will punish you with boils, like those he sent on the Egyptians.
  23. He will punish you with tumors, sores that run, and an itch that cannot be cured.  
  24. The Lord will punish you by making you crazy.
  25. He will make you blind and confused.  In daylight you will have to feel your way like a blind man.
  26. You will fail in everything you do.
  27. Again and again people will hurt you and steal from you. And there will be no one to save you.
  28. You will be engaged to a woman, but another man will have sexual relations with her.
  29. You will build a house, but you will not live in it.
  30. When you plant a vineyard, you will not gather anything from it.
  31. People will kill your cattle in front of you, but you will not eat any of the meat.
  32. People will take your donkeys, and they will not give them back to you.
  33. Your enemies will get your sheep, and there will be no one to help you.
  34. Other people will be allowed to take your sons and your daughters. Day after day you will look for your children. You will look for them until your eyes become weak and blind—but you will not find them. And God will not help you.
  35. A nation that you don’t know will take all your crops and everything you worked for.
  36. People will treat you badly and abuse you.
  37. The things you see will make you go crazy.
  38. The Lord will punish you with sore boils that cannot be healed. These boils will be on your knees and legs. The boils will be on every part of your body—from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head.
  39. The Lord will send you and your king away to a nation you don’t know. You and your ancestors have never seen that nation. There you will serve false gods made of wood and stone.
  40. In the countries where the Lord will send you, the people will be shocked at the terrible things that happen to you. They will laugh at you and say bad things about you.
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