Royal Girlz Ministry Prayer Watch 3am to 6am

3AM – 6AM Prayer Watch Fourth Watch of The Night


  1. Patti

    I am here praying by the Grace of God against this evil world. May His loyal servants find strength and His joy knowing that He reigns. Lord God Almighty!

  2. Emmy kibz

    It was around 4am and woken up by a very disturbing dream…and promptly an inner voice said “pray and watch the time “…I’m not a strong prayerful woman but it’s my pray to be prayer warrior…since i couldn’t sleep i came across your ministry and in particular the 4th pray watch.. Thanks alot your article has been of great help and have managed to calm down..

    1. Editor

      To God be the glory! I am so happy you were able to find this resource. Thank you for your obedience to the Spirit of the Lord. The body of Christ needs your prayers.


  3. Robin Pederson

    Thank you so much for these articles on the different prayer watches. Our congregation is planning a week of 24/7 prayer. I signed up for the 3rd watch. I had heard something about the night watches so I decided to look it up and found this sight. The articles I have read are very good! Thank you!!

    I did notice, though, the first day watch is not mentioned. I have tried searching your sight and I seem to be missing something, 6am – 9am.

    1. Editor


      I am so glad that you have found the watches to be helpful in your prayer time. Yes, I took that particular watch down as the has Lord instructed me to add more to it. I will have it revised and back up on Monday March 27th.
      Thank you again for your prayers and support of Royal Girlz Ministry.



  4. nomathemba

    Nomathemba .I have through best to find and read about the 4th gate hour.Praise be God.

  5. Audrey Brown

    WOW I have been truly been fed and Blessed I have no words just Praise To God for this. Thank You

  6. Janice Marie Best

    Thank God for your ministry. This sight is truly a blessing to me. I especially love the pray watch prayers. I pray the 3am 4th prayer of the night. Thank God for your obedience to share all these rich nuggets of the word with us. God bless you and your staff!

    1. Editor

      To God be the glory! Thank you for your prayers and support of Royal Girlz Ministry!


  7. Fernando Lichucha

    Good morning From Mozambique.

    Thanks for insightful thoughts on forth hour prayer watch.
    1 – I have noticed that you did not elaborate on “Against Witchcraft and Occult Spirits” on your list of “What To Pray For During The Prayer Watches of The Night 3AM – 6AM”.
    2 – I did not understand why are you recommending 9a “PM -12AM Prayer Watch Second Watch of The Night” while you are eloquently writing about “What To Pray For During The Prayer Watches of The Night 3AM – 6AM”.

    May our God of Israel bless abundantly

    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Fernando Lichucha From Mozambique – Lecturer at University Eduardo Mondlane

    1. Editor

      Greetings Fernando Lichucha From Mozambique,

      My sincerest apologies. Thank you so kindly for bringing that to our attention. There was an update made to the 3AM – 6AM prayer watch and I didn’t realize that part was left out. I have since added it and I pray that it will be a blessing to you. Also, our website is setup to where it automatically recommends other post on our blog for our readers at certain intervals of a current post. It helps in giving our readers other related post and teachings on the website. Thank you again for bringing that to our attention. We will be updating and posting several old and new post on a daily basis to better serve our Royal Girlz Readers. Please continue to pray for our ministry as we will be lifting you up in prayer as well as Mozambique.


  8. Kelley Long

    Hi Kimberly, when I awaken at night I use your page for prayers. Thank you for following God and providing this resource! Having access to the prayer watches makes it easier for me to pray when I’m tired and just want to go back to sleep. And I feel confident praying them because they are robust in the word. Thank you!

    1. Editor

      Hello Kelley,
      To God be the glory! Thank you for your comment. We appreciate you and your obedience as a faithful night watchman. The body of Christ needs you and your prayers, as you already know those hours are intense warfare. May God continue to bless you and keep you!


  9. Anonymous

    Hello hi
    We thank God for His grace upon your life and ministry. Please show me the Bible Translation for these Scriptures you are giving!

    1. Editor

      Greetings! We are so glad that you have been blessed by Royal Girlz Ministry. We typically use Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) as many of our readers are new to the faith and find it easier to understand. With any of the scriptures on our website you can click on the blue link and it will take you to BibleGateway’s website for that particular translation. I hope this helpful to you.


  10. Anonymous

    We thank God for your Ministry which has been a blessing! Please what is the Bible Translation of these Scriptures you are giving us? Or better still from which translation are coming from?

    1. Editor

      Greetings! We are so glad that you have been blessed by Royal Girlz Ministry. We typically use Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) as many of our readers are new to the faith and find it easier to understand. With any of the scriptures on our website you can click on the blue link and it will take you to BibleGateway’s website for that particular translation. I hope this helpful to you.


  11. Owori Mathias

    This is very enlightening especially when it comes to the importance of observing the fourth watch in our spiritual growth.

    It is a secret in prayer life.

    Please join me to pray for our country Uganda , we have political dilemma that threatens the peace, stability of the country without the intervention of God.

    1. Editor

      Amen! We most certainly will keep your country Uganda in our prayers. May the Lord cover and protect you from the wicked plans of man and the enemy. Let truth spring up from the earth as it uncovers and exposes wickedness in high places. May the Lord send forth His righteous judgement against every disobedient spirit that rises up against those who are standing for your name sake Lord. Father we ask that you watch over Uganda and send forth your warring angels on behalf of the prayers of Your children. Lord incline your ear to hear their prayers and send forth your love and protection to cover Your sons and daughters. May you hear their cries and answer their prayers. We declare and decree that every plot, scheme and device of the enemy is destroyed by the fire of the Lord in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen

  12. Sheryal Brown

    Awesome! Such useful information. I was constantly waking up at 3:33am during a period in my life a few years ago and I would simply start praying. I’ve been recently lead to pray for world issues. The correlation with my waking every day at 6am when my alarm is set for 6:30am, was an amazing blessing. One of the scriptures that I’m always led to read is Psalm 77. Thanks for sharing and answering the call. I will definitely be using this as a prayerful resource and inviting others to read.

    1. Editor

      Hello Sheryal,

      To God be the glory! The body of Christ definitely needs you on that prayer watch Sis! The more Saints we have answering the call to pray is a blessing to the Kingdom. Blessings to you!

  13. Apostle Judy A Brooks
    Apostle Judy A Brooks

    Greetings,I read Fourth Prayer Watch of the Night! It was great…. Thank you for your service To God and HIS Kingdom!!!! You are truly Blessed and Highly Favored!!!! Shalom

  14. Anonymous

    I have been so blessed today reading the articles here especially the ones on how to recognize and pray against the spirit of Jezebel. Our God is forever faithful…thank you for sharing.

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Kimberly has a passion to prophesy to the lost souls that sit in darkness and the captives bond in the prisons. To see souls saved, delivered and set free from every form of bondage and captivity is her desire. By speaking the truth of God's Holy Word, Kimberly seeks to bring healing and deliverance to those that sit in spiritual darkness by introducing them to the glorious light of the world which is on found only in Jesus Christ.

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