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Should A Christian Celebrate Halloween

Should A Christian Celebrate Halloween

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 – Should A Christian Celebrate Halloween –

Ex Satanist John Ramirez and Pastor Jim Staley shed light on the question should a Christian celebrate Halloween. Jesus came to give us abundant life. Participating in Halloween is a day of celebrating death and Satan. Many of God’s children have been tricked and deceived by Satan to celebrate this day and try to reconstruct it into a holy day…but what is the REAL TRUTH of All Saints Day.

Like the world, they dress their children in costumes and send them out to collect candy from people in the neighborhood and local businesses. Some attend school dances and many adults hold their own Halloween parties. What is the real meaning behind Halloween and why should Christians never participate in this celebration.

Woman Passing Out Halloween Candy

What Can Christians Do On October 31st?

Many believers ask what can they do with their children on Halloween. At many schools the day is filled with Halloween celebrations, costume parades and parties. I personally take my daughter out of school on that day and we spend time at home honoring and praising God. We read our Word, cook, bake and watch Christian entertainment.

What I Do On Halloween

This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. October 31st is a good day for reminding our children of who they are in Christ. It’s an opportunity to encourage them to always stand for God’s Word in holiness and righteousness. I use this day to teach my daughter that we have been delivered from the works of darkness into the marvelous light of our Savior Jesus Christ.

I teach her that it is okay to be different from the world and that God has chosen her as His own. We do not attend church harvest celebrations either because it’s just another spin on Halloween with the same agenda. This video compilation will give you the truth behind Satan’s agenda for this day…



Christian Prayer For Halloween

Father in the name of Jesus I pray for your children that they may stand for holiness and righteousness on October 31st. I pray that they will choose to walk in obedience to your word and not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness. Your Word says that we are to call these things out and expose them by shinning the light of your Word on them.

We thank you Jesus that you came to give us abundant life and we celebrate you on today and forevermore. We celebrate life and not death. I have left death and have come into newness of life in Christ Jesus. The Lord has saved me from death and kept me from being defeated by the enemy and for this I owe the Lord my life.

Jesus I know that You hold the keys of death and Hades, therefore I am not afraid of death. I will serve God in the light that only the living can see and not love darkness or the things of the world. I pray that you will send forth your protection and cover each and every Christian home during this entire season. We bind every Spirit of Divination, Death, Error, and Anti-Christ Spirit and loose Holy Spirit, Truth and Life. Jesus your Word says you are the Way, The Truth and The Life. Open the eyes of your people to see and their ears that they may hear this Word. Touch their hearts Lord and give them an obedient spirit to follow your laws of love. We love you Lord and want to do what is right and pleasing in Your sight.

Protect Our Families Lord

Cover our children, families and pets against kidnappings and the spirit of murder during this dark time. We pray that every lost and stolen child will be found and delivered back to their families safe and unharmed. Help us to not question should a Christian celebrate Halloween year after year, but help us to set Your word and truth in our hearts once and for all. May the light of Christ shine in every dark place to expose every evil deed and wicked act. Open the spiritual prisons and set the captives free who are in bondage to witchcraft and the occult. We pray that they will come to know You as their Lord and Savior, healer and deliverer. We pray these things in Your Son’s Jesus mighty name. Thank you Lord for hearing and answering our prayers.



ALSO READ: Ex Satanist John Ramirez Full Testimony


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