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Prefilled Communion Cups with Juice and Wafer

Celebration Cup 100 Prefilled Communion Cups with Juice and Wafer

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Celebration Cup 100 Prefilled Communion Cups with Juice and Wafer - Details

Prefilled Communion Cups with Juice and Wafer

These Prefilled Communion Cups with Juice and Wafer set comes with the wafer sealed on the top of the sealed juice. The verse This is my body which is broken for you: Take, eat: do this in remembrance of me is printed on the top of each serving.

The teaching I gave you is the same that I received from the Lord: On the night when the Lord Jesus was handed over to be killed, he took bread and gave thanks for it. Then he divided the bread and said, “This is my body; it is for you. Eat this to remember me.” In the same way, after they ate, Jesus took the cup of wine. He said, “This cup represents the new agreement from God, which begins with my blood sacrifice. When you drink this, do it to remember me.”

These prefilled cups are easy to transport and great for understaffed churches, retreats, home groups and hospital visitation. They have a long shelf life and contains 100 servings which fit perfectly into your Communion cup trays.

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