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The Treasures of Your Heart Locate You
The treasures of your heart speaks to the location of your heart. When we read the focus scripture below we see that when the wise men saw Jesus they did three things. First they fell down and worshiped Him. Secondly, they opened their treasures to Him. Thirdly, they presented gifts to Him that honored a King.
Scripture Reference
Matthew 2:7-11
Then Herod, when he had secretly called the wise men, determined from them what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the young Child, and when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and worship Him also.
”When they heard the king, they departed; and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.
Focus Scripture:
And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
We Must Worship Jesus Alone
The scripture says when the wise men came into the house (representing the temple), they saw the young Child (Jesus) with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. This verse reminds us that we are to keep our eyes focused on Christ. Even though they saw Mary His mother with Him, they were focused on the King. They came there in search of the Child not the mother.
When they saw Jesus, they fell down and worshiped Him. It was clear that the wise men came to worship the King. Although they honored Mary as His mother and the vessel which birthed Jesus into this earth realm, it was still the Child whom they bowed down and worshiped.
The scripture tells us that Mary the mother of Jesus was blessed and favored of God above all other women because she was chosen by God the Father to bring forth the Savior of the world Jesus the Christ. Although we bless and honor Mary as this holy vessel, we are never instructed to worship her.
The Wise Men Opened Up Their Treasures
The wise men opened up their treasures to Jesus. In other words, they opened up their hearts to Jesus. Matthew 6:21 states that our heart will always be where our treasure is. When we open our hearts to Jesus we give Him access to our lives by making Him Lord and King. The wise men gave gifts from their treasures to Jesus. These gifts included gold as a precious metal, frankincense as a perfume/ incense, and myrrh as an anointing oil. These were gifts often give to honor kings.
As we offer up our lives to Jesus we give Him the gifts from our hearts of reverence, honor, worship and praise. In the passage Exodus 19:5, we find a promise from the Father that says “Now if you will pay careful attention to what I say and keep my covenant, then you will be my own treasure from among all the peoples, for all the earth is mine”.
As believers we must always be able to locate where our treasure lies. Are we storing up our treasures in this life or in the Kingdom of God? As we open up the treasures of our hearts to Jesus, He will open up Himself to us and bless us with the treasures of Heaven.