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Keep Alert and Pray
Keep alert and pray, otherwise temptation will overpower you. In the passages of Matthew we find where Jesus is admonishing His disciples to stay alert by watching and praying not for His sake, but so they do not fall into temptation.
We are feeling the birth pains of Christ return. Along with Christ’s return comes a time where people are in distress, fearful and perplexed about the future and events taking place. We are seeing many falling away from the faith and leaving the teachings of Jesus for another doctrine. It is during this time that I hear Jesus saying those same words to His children today. Awaken out of your slumber. Stay alert, watchful and prayerful.
Jesus was in a time of great despair and temptation was all around Him. Believers are coming into a time of temptation that can only be won by prayer. As we awaken out of our slumber and recognize the time we are in, we must stay awake. This is not a time to go back to sleep. The master is soon to come and we don’t want Him to find us sleeping.
Scripture Reference:
Matthew 26:36-45
Then Jesus brought them to a garden grove, Gethsemane, and told them to sit down and wait while he went on ahead to pray. He took Peter with him and Zebedee’s two sons James and John, and began to be filled with anguish and despair.
Then he told them, “My soul is crushed with horror and sadness to the point of death . . . stay here . . . stay awake with me.”
He went forward a little, and fell face downward on the ground, and prayed, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup be taken away from me. But I want your will, not mine.”
Then he returned to the three disciples and found them asleep. “Peter,” he called, “couldn’t you even stay awake with me one hour? 4Keep alert and pray. Otherwise temptation will overpower you. For the spirit indeed is willing, but how weak the body is!”
Again he left them and prayed, “My Father! If this cup cannot go away until I drink it all, your will be done.”
He returned to them again and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy, so he went back to prayer the third time, saying the same things again.
Then he came to the disciples and said, “Sleep on now and take your rest . . . but no! The time has come! I am betrayed into the hands of evil men!