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Jezebel Spirit Defeat and Release

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Jezebel Spirit Defeat and Release

The Jezebel Spirit Is Defeated

The Jezebel spirit defeat and release is coming to God’s people. God’s children will be released from Jezebel’s traps and captivity. This is what the Holy Spirit spoke to me to declare into the ears of God’s people. “Like a bird that is caught in a snare and a net of deception, so are many of My people.” Children of God, wait upon the Lord and your strength will be renewed. Get ready to rise up with wings like eagles and go forth from your captivity. This is the word the Lord gave me to share…

Royal Girlz Ministry The Prophetic Word


Get Ready To Be Released!

This net has entangled you for many years and held you in bondage.
Each time you try to move, you get more entangled.
Each time you try to advance further, your feet get caught up again.
This bondage has brought much confusion into your life and has caused you to remain stagnate and unproductive.

But the Lord says:
Get ready to be released my people.
Get ready to fly away, like a bird that has been caught in a net of destruction.
I am going to free my people from their bondage
And deal severely with the spirits that have held my people captive and have caused them to err.”

Woe To The Wicked Leaders

WOE unto all those leaders operating under the Spirits of Jezebel and Pharaoh. For the Lord declares that you will release His children.
Those that belong to you, and they will remain with you, but as for my children, I will release and deliver them.

To you leaders operating under the spirit of Jezebel
There will be Jezebel spirit defeat and release of God’s people!
The Lord is coming to wage war on the behalf of His children.
Your witchcraft will be removed from your hand
No longer will my people eat from your hand.
I have given you time to repent and turn, and you have not.
You have seduced my people and turned tricks on my people for the last time.
I have given you time to repent and you have not.

Pharaoh’s Staff & Authority Is Broken!

To you leaders operating under the spirit of Pharaoh
Holding God’s people in bondage,
Your staff and authority will be broken!
You will no longer have control and reign over God’s people.

Release His people from bondage and
They will finally move into their promised land.
No longer will you oppress God’s people
They will no longer be under your strong hand and control.
But with the Strong Hand of The Lord, they shall be RELEASED!!!!!


Get ready to fly away, like a bird that has been caught in a net of destruction. Share on X

Test The Spirits

Those who have an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. Don’t believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God. Many false prophets have gone out into the world. The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus.

Jezebel Spirit Bible Scriptures

Ecclesiastes 7:26
And I discovered that of all irrational sins none has been so destructive in beguiling one away from God as immoral women for more bitter than death is the woman whose heart is composed of snares and nets, and whose hands are chains. Whoever pleases God will escape from her, but the sinner will be taken captive by her evil.

Micah 5:10-12
In that day, says the Lord,
I will slaughter your horses
and destroy your chariots.
I will tear down your walls
and demolish your defenses.
I will put an end to all witchcraft,
and there will be no more fortune-tellers

Exodus 6:1
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh. I will use my great power against him, and he will let my people go. He will be so ready for them to leave that he will force them to go.”

Jezebel Spirit From The Bible

Revelation 2:20-23
Yet I have this against you: You are permitting that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach my servants that sex sin is not a serious matter; she urges them to practice immorality and to eat meat that has been sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to change her mind and attitude, but she refused. Pay attention now to what I am saying: I will lay her upon a sickbed of intense affliction, along with all her immoral followers, unless they turn again to me, repenting of their sin with her; and I will strike her children dead. And all the churches shall know that I am he who searches deep within men’s hearts, and minds; I will give to each of you whatever you deserve.

Blessed Is She – Antique Silver Pendant Necklace

A perfect gift for ladies for all occasions. This ‘Blessed Is She’ antique silver Christian pendant necklace is an opportune way to share your faith and stay up to date with the latest trends. This inspirational pendant necklace displays the Scripture from Luke 1:48 and is a wonderful reminder that God fulfills His promises, and blessed is she who has believed.


Order Your Jezebel Spirit Books Today: Jezebel Spirit Books For Training and Deliverance


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