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Jezebel Spirit Control and Manipulation
Common strategies that Satan uses against us through the Jezebel Spirit is control and manipulation. This demonic spirit’s ultimate goal is to control and rule over people, especially God’s people and the prophetic ministry. Control and manipulation come from the spirit of divination. As we know, the Spirit of Divination involves deception. Jesus while speaking to His disciples warned them about deception in the last days.
Matthew 24:4
Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.
Who Is Jezebel?
Jezebel was the sinful and wicked wife of King Ahab of Israel in the Bible Old Testament. Jezebel was a Phoenician priestess and the daughter of a Sidonian king named Ethbaal. The marriage of Jezebel and King Ahab caused Israel to become saturated with the worship of many false gods. Jezebel’s desire was to seduce God’s people and turn their hearts away from serving and worship Him. WidgetsJezebel was a priestess and was very religious. Her worship of Baal was an idolatrous religion which includes the worship of false gods and idols. Jezebel caused God’s people to participate in all types of unrighteous behavior. The children of Israel practiced child sacrifices (abortion), homosexuality, perverted sex acts, pagan rituals and immoral priestly services to God. Jezebel controlled Israel including her husband King Ahab whom she also converted to worship Baal.
The Jezebel Spirit Today
This is the same spirit in operation that we call the Jezebel Spirit. As we get closer to the Lord’s second coming and the end times, we will see a rise in this spirit in Satan’s bride. The Jezebel spirit is a spirit of divination and witchcraft. According to the Book of Galatians, witchcraft is a work of the flesh and God forbids it. Without Holy Spirit, you will cannot and will not have dominion over this spirit.
Pride tells Jezebel she is never wrong, therefore she will never repent! Share on XWorks of The Flesh
As Christian, we must understand that our real struggle is with our flesh. Our flesh is at constant war against our spirit and without The Holy Spirit in our lives, our flesh will rule and cause us to walk in the ways that are contrary to the word of God. When our lives are not submitted to Christ and we are not controlled by the Holy Spirit, we are being controlled by our flesh and the ways of the world. Being controlled by our flesh leaves us open and vulnerable to be controlled by the Jezebel spirit as well as other demonic forces that have the open doors.
The Book of Galatians describes the works of the flesh to us. We must ask the Lord to purify our hearts that we may have a desire to walk in the Spirit. In order to defeat Jezebel and the spirit of control, we must be controlled by the Holy Spirit.
Let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t do what your sinful nature craves Share on XScripture Reference
Galatians 5: 16-21
So I tell you, live the way the Spirit leads you. Then you will not do the evil things your sinful self wants. The sinful self wants what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit wants what is against the sinful self. They are always fighting against each other, so that you don’t do what you really want to do. But if you let the Spirit lead you, you are not under law.
The wrong things the sinful self does are clear: committing sexual sin, being morally bad, doing all kinds of shameful things, worshiping false gods, taking part in witchcraft, hating people, causing trouble, being jealous, angry or selfish, causing people to argue and divide into separate groups, being filled with envy, getting drunk, having wild parties, and doing other things like this. I warn you now as I warned you before: The people who do these things will not have a part in God’s kingdom.
Ten Ways To Recognize The Spirit of Control
Uses Other People To Accomplish Their Goal:
The Jezebel spirit is very clever and will use other people to do their dirty work. This spirit will operate in the background pulling the strings of deception like a puppeteer. When their agenda is accomplished, they have no more use for you.
Tells Lies:
The Jezebel spirit is very deceptive and charming and It will look you in the eyes and lie to you very convincingly. Her lies are so believable that she will have you second guessing what you know is true. She uses the seduction of her eyes to do this.
Seeks Revenge:
The Jezebel spirit does not like to be wrong on any account and when confronted it will raise up like a snake and seek to attack you. As long as you agree with them on everything, you are safe from their wrath, but if you ever confront this spirit you will become their worst enemy.
Jezebel Spirit Traits and Tactics
Extremely Religious:
This spirit loves to teach bible study and hold prayer meetings in their homes. They love to teach in their own homes so they are not held accountable to anyone for giving out false teachings. This spirit seeks out new babes in Christ who have no real solid foundation in the Word of God and will lead them astray by their clever and elaborate words and prayers. This is all done so the believer will become so fascinated by them that they will soon become followers of the Jezebel and not the Lord.
Ignores People:
The Jezebel spirit uses this tactic against someone when there has been a falling out or disagreement with them. This is normally their way of punishing that person for not agreeing with them.
Takes Credit For Everything:
The Jezebel spirit wants to be seen as having knowledge about everything. This spirit is quick to take the credit for things when it turns out wonderful. When things go wrong, it will not take responsibility just as quickly.
Will Not Accept Guilt or Responsibility:
According to a person operating under a Jezebel spirit, it is never wrong. This spirit will never repent or acknowledge that it was responsible for any wrongdoing. You will never receive a true and humble apology from someone influenced by this spirit.
More Characteristics of The Jezebel Spirit
Volunteers For Everything:
The Jezebel spirit loves to control everything. A person with this spirit always volunteers to be the leader. In this way, everything must come through them for approval. A person with a Jezebel spirit does not like to follow. It always wants the lead position for control purposes.
Operates In Confusion:
Confusion will always keep the Jezebel spirit from being detected and exposed. The Jezebel spirit sends out confusion to the mind of people to maintain control and power as they continue to do their agenda.
Many people who operate under this spirit of control or Jezebel spirit also have a clairvoyant spirit. A clairvoyant spirit is able to perceive or know things outside of human senses. Christians have the Holy Spirit to guide them into all truth. A person operating under the Jezebel spirit is given supernatural knowledge and information from a spirit guide or familiar spirit.
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ALSO READ: Characteristics of the Jezebel Spirit