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From The Mouths Of Babes

From the mouths of children and babies

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From The Mouths Of Children And Babies

What an awesome God we serve! Even from the mouths of children and babies the enemy is silenced and defeated. Children are a gift from God and it’s amazing that He uses them to sing forth perfect praises that silence the enemy. How powerful is that to know that the Lord almighty uses our children at such an early age! Never underestimate the power of praise or the power of God working through a little child.

Children Respond To God’s Praise

I remember being pregnant with my last daughter and every time I would sound the shofar she would get real still if she was moving. She heard it! Now when I sound the shofar no matter where she is, she will run where I am and say “I heard it!  She still responds to praise and even has her very own shofar. I encourage you mothers to sing songs of deliverance to your unborn babies while they are yet in the womb. Allow them to hear your voice as you sing praises to the Lord and watch them respond!

Psalm 8:1-2
Lord our Lord, your name is the most wonderful in all the earth! It brings you praise everywhere in heaven. From the mouths of children and babies come songs of praise to you. They sing of your power to silence your enemies who were seeking revenge.


Baby’s First Bible – New Testament Bible & Psalms

Baby's First Bible - New Testament Bible & Psalms - BlueGift this New Testament Bible & Psalms to a precious baby boy to have as a keepsake—great for mommy and daddy to have for reading a Psalm to their baby boy at bedtime.

 The Children’s Wonder Bible Talking Audio Bible Player for Kids



ALSO READ: Back To School Prayer For 2020


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