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Sing A New Song To The Lord

I Will Sing And Give Praise - Royal Girlz Ministry Daily Word

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In today’s daily word of the day, I want to encourage you to sing a new song to the Lord. One of the things I have heard the Spirit of the Lord remind me to do in the last couple of years is to sing. We are to proclaim the good news of The Lord’s salvation from day to day through song.

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During the 2020 – 2021 lockdowns, many of our churches were closed. We were warned against congregating both in buildings and in our homes as well as singing as it would spread Coronavirus to others. The enemy knows the power in song and has done everything he can to stop the praises of the Lord from penetrating the atmosphere. Songs of praise  bring forth both healing and deliverance that break the chains and bondage of the enemy. So I invite you today to sing a new song to the Lord, declare His goodness to the nations and watch all the chains break!

Psalm 33
Rejoice in the Lord, good people!
It is only right for good people to praise him.
Play the lyre and praise the Lord.
Play the ten-stringed harp for him.

Sing A New Song To The Lord

Sing a new song to him.
Play it well and sing it loud!
The Lord’s word is true, and he is faithful in everything he does.
He loves goodness and justice.

When The Lord Speaks Things Happen

The Lord’s faithful love fills the earth.
The Lord spoke the command, and the world was made.
The breath from his mouth created everything in the heavens.
He gathered together the water of the sea.
He put the ocean in its place.

Everyone on earth should fear and respect the Lord.
All the people in the world should fear him, because when he speaks, things happen.
And if he says, “Stop!”—then it stops.
The Lord can ruin every decision the nations make.
He can spoil all their plans.
But the Lord’s decisions are good forever.
His plans are good for generation after generation.

Great blessings belong to those who have the Lord as their God!
He chose them to be his own special people.
The Lord looked down from heaven and saw all the people.
From his high throne he looked down at all the people living on earth.
He created every person’s mind, and he knows what each one is doing.

A king is not saved by the power of his army.
A soldier does not survive by his own great strength.
Horses don’t really bring victory in war.
Their strength cannot help you escape.

Our Help Comes From The Lord

The Lord watches over his followers, those who wait for him to show his faithful love.
He saves them from death.
He gives them strength when they are hungry.
So we will wait for the Lord.
He helps us and protects us.
He makes us happy.
We trust his holy name.
Lord, we worship you,
so show your great love for us.

Sing a New Song: James Fortune Still Able Lyrics

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