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Burn Your Book of Spells and Incantations

Burn Your Book of Spells

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What a testimony to the greatness of God. Just as the witches, warlocks and magicians did in the Book of Acts, you can burn your book of spells and incantations and turn to the true and living God.  Many former witches and warlocks are sharing their testimonies with the world, and as a result many souls are being set free in the name of Jesus.

Jesus said I AM the way, the truth and the life. There is freedom, liberty, life and love in Jesus Christ. If you have participated in works of darkness and want to to be delivered, then I invite you to receive Jesus Christ into your heart  today. You can pray this prayer of salvation right where you are and make the choice today to follow Jesus. We overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.


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Scripture Reference

Acts 19:11-20

God used Paul to do some very special miracles. Some people carried away handkerchiefs and clothes that Paul had used and put them on those who were sick. The sick people were healed, and evil spirits left them.

Some Jews also were traveling around forcing evil spirits out of people. The seven sons of Sceva, one of the leading priests, were doing this. These Jews tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus to make the evil spirits go out of people. They all said, “By the same Jesus that Paul talks about, I order you to come out!”

But one time an evil spirit said to these Jews, “I know Jesus, and I know about Paul, but who are you?”

Then the man who had the evil spirit inside him jumped on these Jews. He was much stronger than all of them. He beat them up and tore their clothes off. They all ran away from that house.

All the people in Ephesus, Jews and Greeks, learned about this. They were all filled with fear and gave great honor to the Lord Jesus. Many of the believers began to confess, telling about all the evil things they had done. Some of them had used magic. These believers brought their magic books and burned them before everyone. These books were worth about 50,000 silver coins. This is how the word of the Lord was spreading in a powerful way, causing more and more people to believe.


ALSO READ: Expose Unfruitful Works of Darkness

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