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Are You a Bucket or a Cup

When The World Says No God Says Yes - HEED Ministry

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Are You a Bucket or a Cup

I have thought about this long and hard
It is something that always puts us on guard
I’m not sure why, when all we have to do is stop
We know when we pour past any rim things begin to drop

We must learn not everyone is a bucket
You know some of us are still cups
It’s not their fault they are just not big or mature enough
To keep all of your secrets and to hold on to all of your dreams

So we must learn to not talk so much no matter how hard that may seem
A cup and a bucket are very different even though they both are round
If you don’t believe me when you hold them in your hand just take a look down

Are You A Bucket Or a Cup

A cup is very little and doesn’t hold that much
A bucket is very large and a lot stronger and we have to mention tough
So why do we take our biggest problems and pour them into little cups
And when they start to spill out we want to get angry and fuss

When God has given us buckets all throughout our lives
And now that we know what they are for
We should use them but still be wise

Yes your buckets ~ your mothers, your aunts and your closest true friends
Trust me if God gave them to you for real
They have enough room for you to pour in
And the best part of buckets is that buckets come with lids
You will never see, hear or smell anything that you have poured into them again


John 15:13
There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

~Take Heed~


Written By: Angela Pewett

About The Author:

ngela Pewett Authentic Changes Life Coach

HEED Ministry ~ Healing, Encouraging, Exalting and Delivering Women

Angela Pewett is an Evangelist, Teacher and Certified Transformational Life Coach with a private and public practice helping transform lives from the inside out. Evangie, in which she is affectionately known as, has over 20 yrs. of experience in Church Leadership and brings a wealth of wisdom to help equip and mature the believer in the body of Christ.

She has served as the Director of Christian Education, Sunday School Superintendent, Small Group leader, and Adult Bible Study teacher and is currently an Associate Minister at Logan Street Baptist Church. Her leadership skills also enabled her to succeed in the secular world as well. She has been an entrepreneur for over 20 years. Angela has trained and managed in one of the largest companies in the beauty industry today.

Soul Surgery Is Self Surgery

Evangie, has coached both inside and outside of the body of Christ, always reminding people that “Soul Surgery” is “Self Surgery”. Evangie is the Founder and CEO of Authentic Changes where she provides bi-weekly Enrichment Sessions with the Bible as the moral compass.

With her “matter of fact” style and her gift to break information down to its simplest form, it is no wonder she has become one of the most sought after Life Coaches today, but her greatest joy and #1 priority is being a wife to her “tailor made” husband of over 25 yrs. Mervyn Pewett and a devoted mom to their only child and prince of her city Cameron Myles.

Her motto for life will remain: Never pick someone up if you can’t carry them all the way through.


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